A New World?!

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It’s been a couple weeks since Wendy and Carla joined the guild, and they fit right in. The Thunder Legion and I just got back from a job yesterday, so we’re taking the day off today. The five of us are just lounging around a table at the guildhall, observing the chaos that commences everyday in this building. Gajeel isn’t around, he must’ve wandered off somewhere. A bunch of guys that are drunk and hammered are partying like crazy, pissing Cana off. “Jeez! Calm it down! It’s barely past noon!!” Macao and Wakaba chuckle at her comment and say, “That’s really funny Cana. Can’t remember the last time you didn’t start boozing after lunch.” “I shudder to think what you’ve done to your stomach, it must be made of iron.” She looks at them frustrated, “I can hold my liquor! When was the last time I got trashed and acted like a maniac?!” They get caught off guard, and sigh defeatedly, “Yeah alright. You’ve got a good point.” They say at the same time. Somewhere else in the guild hall, Levy is sitting at a table by herself, with a bunch of books. “Man! I didn’t think this would be THIS hard.” She mutters to herself. Jet and Droy walk up to her, “Hey, whatcha readin’ there?” Without looking up she says, “Oh it’s a book of poems, written in the ancient language of haracan.” They look at her dumbfounded, “You say that like it’s the simplest thing in the world. Are you seriously reading that thing?!” Droy asks her. She looks up to them and says, “It’s difficult, but I can understand most of it.” They both just simp over her and say, “You’ve got such a beautiful brain!!” Then, somewhere else in the guild, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla sit at their own table. Lucy turns to Wendy and asks, “Why are you so fascinated with July 7, 777?” Wendy turns to her and says, “It’s because that’s the day that the dragons that raised me, Candy, and Natsu all disappeared, so I guess it’s just always on my mind.” Lucy wonders, “I wonder what happened. ‘Cuz according to Natsu, the dragon that raised Gajeel, Metalicanna, disappeared on that very same day.” Carla puts her tea down and says, “Do you have any thoughts on the matter?” Lucy puts her finger up to her chin, looks up in thought and says, “Maybe they all went on a dragon picnic?” Wendy smiles at her and says, “An interesting idea! I actually never thought of that one before. Then again, now that you mention it, I’ve always been afraid that they all just decided to abandon us.” Upon hearing this I look down. She’s not the only one who’s been afraid of that. Wendy continues, “But if that’s the case, where do you think they’ve been hiding all this time?” She wonders. Before they can continue, Happy walks up to Carla with a fish wrapped in a red bow. Aww, that’s so adorable!! “Hey Carla! Look, Isn’t this the biggest mackerel you’ve ever seen? I thought you might be hungry, so I caught it for ya!” He smiles down at her in the most adorable way possible! He’s so precious! I smile at him just as Carla replies with, “Thanks, but no thanks. It smells, and I don’t care for fish.” Happy just lowers his fish and says, “Oh, I see. Then tell me what you like and I’ll fetch it for ya!” Carla suddenly snaps at Happy, “GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! I don’t have time to waste on someone so annoying.” She gets down from the table and starts to walk out of the guild. Lucy looks at Carla and says, “She’s never been friendly but that was downright harsh. You okay little guy?” She asks Happy, as he looks down, hurt. Rosie looks at me and I nod at her, knowing she wants to go comfort Happy. She heads over to him and puts a paw on his shoulder. Wendy heads towards Carla and says, “What’s your problem?! Why were you so mean to Happy?!” Carla just stops for a minute, and keeps walking, not answering Wendy’s question. Happy starts to run after Carla, still carrying the fish he wrapped for her, “Carla! Please, talk to me!!” Aww, he’s so adorable!! Rosie decides to go with him, in hopes of keeping Carla from being too mean to Happy.

Third POV:
Happy and Rosie keep running after Carla, “Carla! Wait up!!” Carla turns around and says, “What is it? I thought I told you to quit pestering me!” Happy stops, and his tail drops to the ground. “I know, but I was wondering if I’d done something to make you mad.” He says sadly. Carla just scoffs at him and says, “It’s more complex than that.” He just looks at the ground sad. Rosie puts her paw on his shoulder, and says, “You don’t have to be so upset with Happy, Carla. He’s never done anything to you.” She just scoffs and turns her back to the two of them. Then she suddenly speaks up, “You know, you can’t protect Natsu or Candy.” This catches both of their attention as they look at her. “However, I will protect Wendy. I must. She’s the only thing that matters to me.” With a flick of her tail, she keeps walking, Rosie and Happy not far behind her. As they walk, clouds start to form rather quickly overhead. Happy is the first to speak, “Me and Natsu are best friends just like you guys. And I’ve protected him just as many times as he’s saved me.” Rosie then speaks up after him, “I know I’m not much of a fighter, but I’ll still protect Candy no matter what.” Carla stops at that and says, “You may believe that. But you simply can’t until you know who you are.” With that she keeps walking, leaving both exceeds standing there confused. Suddenly, Gajeel emerges from around the corner, scratches all over his face. “Why’s your face all scratched up?” Happy asks him. Gajeel just snaps, “Shut it, cat!” And walks away. Rosie and Happy eventually decide to head back to the guild hall, Rosie comforting him and telling him that Carla will eventually warm up to him.

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