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Arielle's POV

If your waiting for a full introduction than prepare to be disappointed, see we already have something in common. But I'll give you a short one anyways.

My name is Arielle Carmez and im the one and only child of Artemis. You probably wondering ' the Greek goddess, Artemis' or ' Greek goddess Artemis, twin sister of Apollo'. Well I'm here to tell you that Greek gods and goddess exist and their not legends their living along side us, technically above us but who cares.

I'm a Demigod which is term for half humans, half god or goddess, I'm currently stay at a camp for halfbloods like me, I arrived here about a year ago. I was being chased by a dragon with three snake heads. Which turned out to be a hydra, but i didn't know that at the time.

I was brought here unconsciously by my best friend, who I haven't seen since we got attack by the hydra. But we don't talk about her anymore.

I'm the daughter of Artemis, well when i first got claimed a couple of weeks after I arrived at camp, my mother visited me in my cabin. She claimed but told me I was an accident, that I wasn't supposed to be here, and then tried to make me join her girl group.

But thats a story for another time, the story I'm about to tell you, is about when I made a stupid deal with Annabeth chase and nearly help destroy the world and cause WW3.

3rd person view

Arielle Carmez stood in a field the grass, nearly as long as her hair, it was bright green. Her eyes squinted as the sun began rising, and she had her arms in surrender.

A sword was at her neck, hers was in the grass completely out of reach. " got no moves left, Ari make a decision" a voice said it was sweet but stern " surrender now" the voice said.

Arielle raised her hands a bit higher and grabbed the sword with her left hand, a cut deep into her hand. They were both tugging the sword Ari at the sharp end, the other person at the handle. Ari kicked the person in the stomach making them nearly tumble but completely loosing grip.

Ari now had the sword, a smirk growing onto her face. " Now you have a choice l, Annie" she mocked " surrender now" she said with a wide grin but, Annabeth caught her off guard snatching the sword starling her.

They were about to continue when a boy with brown hair and blonde highlights came jogging towards them. " Ari, Annabeth it's Grover" he said with a hint of worry.

𝑩𝑹𝑶𝑲𝑬𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑰𝑺𝑬𝑺, Percy Jackson Where stories live. Discover now