Our Secret | MV33^

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"If we're gonna talk about sportsmen let's talk about Kevin De Bruyne

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"If we're gonna talk about sportsmen let's talk about Kevin De Bruyne." I said as I applied mascara whilst my best friend, Calista, continued to rabbit on about Charles Leclerc.

"Nahh." She grinned "Let's talk about Charles Leclerc." She said as she sprayed herself with perfume.

"Go on then." I pushed "What's so special about him?"

"First of all, he's an amazing driver and second of all, he's hot." Cali smirked holding her purple perfume bottle in her hand and wafting it in the air, before placing it down with a small clink on the countertop.

"What does he even look like?" I asked her placing my mascara back into my makeup bag, she scoffed at my question before fumbling to get her phone.

"You're not even prepared!" She exaggerated, I was most definitely prepared, her phone displayed a photo of the man shirtless, in blue shorts with a backpack on while stood on what looked like a cliff.

"He's alright." I shrugged her face dropped as she looked at me, appalled, before zipping up her makeup bag and leaving the bathroom without another word.

I followed her a few minutes later to see she was sat on the couch with a Grand Prix on the TV.

"Am I alright?" I asked turning around for her, showing off the fitted purple dress and my bag that was over my shoulder.

"You look hot." She replied switching off the TV and making her way towards where I was stood by our front door. "Winter break is so shit." She huffed "40 more days before I can watch another race."

"Ha." I said unempathetically as she picked up her keys and I opened the door and stood outside. "Anyways, no more F1 tonight let's find some men to go home with." I smiled keen to move on from the subject of racing.

"Yeah ok." She shrugged stepping out into the Monegasque moonlight with me and locking our door, she slotted the key in her bag.

"Got your drink cover?" I asked she nodded opening her bag to show me the bright pink cover. I nodded as I looked into her bag and saw it and we began our small route into town.

"Ok I'll text you if I'm leaving with someone." She reminded me as we walked towards a club. "Oh my god." She breathed out her eyes transfixed on two men walking into a club. "That one." She pointed at it grabbing my arm and almost dragging me over.

"Why this one?" I asked shaking my arm from her grip to see she'd left red marks behind.

"I think I saw Charles." She said in a sing song tune before charging inside. I looked around to try and spot her golden hair but she'd disappeared off into the busy strobe-lit dance floor. I huffed and made my way to bar and ordered myself a drink.

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