Chapter 2: Astronomy tower (Harry's Perspective)

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Harry POV:

"I'm just gonna do it, I'm sick of it, I'm just gonna jump": I say to myself while standing on the Astronomy tower. I want to jump but hear a noise. I ignore it and almost jump when I feel somebody holding my hands.
I turn my head a bit and say: "What the-". Fucking Malfoy says: "calm down it's just me, come over here", while pulling me to him. I don't say anything and we just stay there for a few minutes, hugging when I feel suddenly really sad and angry and confused.I start to cry and Malfoy tries to calm me down by saying:"shh It's ok, you're gonna be ok"
After about ten minutes, I ask still crying:
"why *sniff* umm *sniff* why did you *sniff* stop me?"
"umm well just because we are enemies, it doesn't mean that I can't stop you from jumping down the fucking Astronomy tower. But why did you want to jump anyway?"
Well that wasn't a good argument but when I hear the last question I start to cry more and more.
I don't even know why I cry in front of Malfoy or why I'm hugging him but it feels kinda good.
"'s just all too much... it's all my fault... the war...everything": I answer still crying.
"Hey Potter calm down it's not your fault. First the war didn't happen because of you it was because of Voldemort who decided to take over the wizarding world by killing thousands of wizards and Second what exactly is too much? Talk to me"
Why does Malfoy want that I talk to him about my problems? Usually he makes fun of me for stuff like that but now...
I answer with a bit of Hesitation:
"Everything is too much because of me lots of people died, Ron's brother died because of me, Dumbledore died because of me. I died because I was stupid and went into that forest"
"Potter, calm down. Those people didn't die because of you they died because they fought for the best and umm Dumbledore kinda died because of me well officially because of Snape but I was about to do it. Anyway it's not about me now, it's about you. I have to help you"
Why does he say that he has to help me? I don't deserve help especially not from Malfoy.
"you do not have to help me. I'm fine. Just leave me alone"
With that saying, I get away from Malfoy and want to go down the tower but he holds me at my hand again and says:
"Harry wait, if you wanna talk to me just come to my room. I have one with Blaise but he usually sleeps over at Pansys, so yeah I'm usually alone"
I just simply nod and continue to go down.
Wait what? Did Malfoy just offered me to come to his room and WAIT he called me Harry. Something is definitely not right. But I feel those butterflies in my stomach again. I started feeling those in year 4 or something. I don't know why or how but they just are here every time I see him. Fucking Malfoy why him?
Anyway it's dinner time in the great hall and as I walk inside, I see Malfoy staring at me from the Slytherin table. I can still feel him staring when I sit down next to Hermione and Ron.
There they were again those stupid butterflies. The feeling that you get when you like someone as something more than ughh I don't even know what we are now. I know we are not friends but total enemies neither. I'm just gonna go to his room later, to find out.
After a few minutes I see Malfoy going out of the great hall. Should I follow him? No, no that's not good. No Harry don't just eat. He looks good though maybe I should...NO DON'T.
I just eat and talk for about 20 minutes but then decide to go to my room. I say goodbye to my friends and go. After a few more minutes Ron comes too and asks:
"Are you good? You seem kinda down"
"yeah, yeah I'm fine just tired"
"ok good, if you wanna talk about something just say so"
I nod and Ron and I just sit in our own beds for the rest of the evening. Well me not exactly I'm just waiting for him to fall asleep, so I can go over to Malfoy with my invisibility cloak. After half an hour Ron falls asleep, so I grab my invisibility cloak, sneak out to not wake him up again and go to the Slytherin common room. I wait a few minutes for someone to go in or out so I can sneak in. Thankfully somebody I don't recognise comes and I sneak in, on my way to the rooms I see Blaise who probably just left which means that I have to go that direction to go to Malfoy. I go the direction Blaise just came from and wow there is only one room at the end which means it must be Malfoy's.
As I walk up to the door I hesitate to knock. What if Dra-No Malfoy just said that as a joke? Should I really go into that room with him? I mean he is the only person I can really talk to right now so maybe I should knock... Come on Harry man up it is just Malfoy what could go wrong? A lot. JUST knock Harry..
So I knock and I hear Malfoy coming to the door. He opens it and as he doesn't see me because well I kinda forgot I'm still wearing the cloak, he wants to close it again but I quickly show my head, look at him and say:
I think he can see and hear that I've cried a bit on my way here cause all those horrible feelings came back up but that doesn't matter he already saw me cry..
I just stand there looking at his beautiful grey eyes when he says:
"hi do you wanna come in?"
"that's what I'm here for isn't it?"
Malfoy starts to laugh a bit. Wait Malfoy laughs? I don't think about it much longer and come inside while giggling too.
Malfoy looks so good with his smile (his real smile), his hair which is messy but not bad messy. It's good like that. I like it. Oh my god I like Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. I don't know why or how but I just do. I mean he looks good and all..
Anyway I throw my invisibility cloak onto a chair and when I look around, just standing in his room, he says:
"come here I'm not gonna bite you": while patting onto the other bed side. I do as he says. Why? I don't know. Maybe I just wanna feel him next to me. As I sit down I ask:
"why are you being so nice to me? I mean I definitely do not deserve such kindness"
"Harry, you deserve kindness. I mean maybe not especially from me but you do"
"but why from you? I feel like you are the only person that understands all of this"
"I don't know but thanks I guess"
Thanks? Did he just said thank you to something I said? I guess he did.
"Why are you here anyway? I thought we were enemies like you said it on the Astronomy tower"
"uhmm - I feel like I start to blush- I don't know you offered it and I thought maybe we could leave our rivals behind us and just you know don't totally hate each other?!"
"Ok I guess that could work"
Wait he said ok? He doesn't wanna be total enemies anymore. Maybe just maybe he has feelings too. The way he always looks at me and I mean he could've just let me jump down but he didn't soo.. I mean I can't get my hopes up but....
As I realise what I just thought I smile and we just sit on his bed, now cuddling again, until I fall asleep.

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