Chapter 3: Quidditch

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Draco POV:

I wake up when I hear Blaise coming back from Pansys in the morning. He looks at me smiling and I look at him, look down and see Harry in my bed cuddling onto my chest with me. How did that happen? Oh I know last night I mean we just cuddled and I kissed his head and he just fell asleep. That's amazing maybe he does feel the same?!
Anyway Blaise is still looking at me and says quietly:
"How did you manage to get Harry in your bed?"
"uhmm I'll tell you later, you have to go now. Not that he you know wakes up and panics"
"Fine I'll leave"
I nod and look back at Harry who is still sleeping.
Gosh he looks way cuter while sleeping with his hair messy and his eyes. Wait his eyes oh he's looking at me too.
"good morning Potter"
"hey": He says while sitting up, stretching.
"Do you feel better now?"
"yeah I enjoyed that but I kinda have to go now, not that Ron suspects anything"
"Ok see you at breakfast"
"yeah bye": he says while walking out the door with his invisibility cloak on.
Blaise comes back inside a few minutes later and asks:
"Soooo why did Harry Potter sleep in your bed?"
"uhmm well he came yesterday after you left and we talked while sitting on my bed. Then we kinda cuddled and-
"Wait slow down how the hell did you manage to cuddle him?"
"I don't know he just came to me sat down and after a few minutes of talking we cuddled"
"ok now continue I interrupted you"
"yeah right uhmm we cuddled and then he fell asleep and uhmm well I kinda kissed him..."
"Wait what how?"
"calm down I just kissed him on his head and he smiled while sleeping and yeah that's pretty much it. I think maybe he likes me too. I mean he suggested that we should not hate each other but he didn't say it like he wants to be friends with me"
"ok well don't get your hopes up"
"I know I know but he's just uhh why?"
"I don't know Dray but let's get to breakfast and then you can see your favourite Gryffindor again"
"Shut up Blaise": I say while throwing a pillow at him.

I get ready and we go to the great hall for breakfast. After that it's just a normal day:
I do something with Blaise, eat and look at Potter maybe a lot but ok.
The rest of the week went like that except that Potter started staring back at me.
And wait I almost forgot today is the Quidditch match from Slytherin against Gryffindor and I gotta play against Ha- no it's still Potter. Anyway I'm on my way to the Quidditch field now and when I get there I see Potter and his team on the field already.
He looks so cute uhmm I-I uhm should probably focus on the game instead of him but just look at him with his Quidditch uniform, he looks cute and kinda hot at the same time. It's confusing.
Stop Malfoy stop get your head in the game. After a few minutes of just staring at Potter we all fly into the air with our brooms and the game starts. To be honest I don't like Quidditch very much but it's ok when I get to see Potter and since I'm the Seeker I can focus on him and the Snitch at the same time. So that's what I'm doing now (I mostly look at Harry). After a few minutes I finally focus on the Snitch and try to catch it but Potter comes flying out of nowhere and catches it before he falls from his broom. I mean it's kinda his fault he tried to catch it, standing up.
The game stops obviously cause he caught the Snitch but also because he's injured. The teachers including Professor Mc Gonagall and Hagrid and his friends Hermione and Ron walk quick towards him to see how bad it is. I fly down too, mostly because of Harry, and cause my team is going down too.
Anyway since Potter isn't moving or anything, I assume that he must have fallen on his head, so does Professor Mc Gonagall. She quickly uses a spell to make him fly and goes with him into the Hospital wing.
After a few minutes I follow them too, so it doesn't seem weird or anything. As I walk into the Hospital wing, I see Madame Pomfrey who's already putting some potions next to his bed and goes back to her office. I go towards his bed and sit next to it on a chair. I sit there for about half an hour when he finally wakes up. He looks around disoriented and confused. Then his head turns to me and I say:
"Are you ok?"
He doesn't answer and his eyes close again, when I see Madame Pomfrey walk towards him. She says to me:
"Oh hey Mister Malfoy, I didn't expect you to be here"
"yeah I'm just worried he was pretty high when he fell but I'm gonna go now"
"Ok goodbye Mister Malfoy"
"Goodbye": I say when I leave the Hospital wing. As I walk outside I see Granger and Weasley going inside. They look kinda confused that I came out of there but just smile and walk inside. I turn around one last time seeing them going to Harry's bed but then walk into my room.
Gosh why does Potter has to be so stupid? I mean he's cute and all but stupid for jumping to catch that Snitch.
As I walk inside my room, I see Blaise sitting on his bed with a weird smile on his face so I ask:
"Nothing just that you went to Potter into the Hospital wing before even changing out of your Quidditch clothes"
I look down at me and realise that he's right, I didn't change.
"Well, I can explain"
"No you can not Draco, you're in love and when you are in love you can't explain things like that": he says while pointing at me with his whole hand.
"Ok fine but I'm gonna get changed now cause these clothes are kinda cold"
"Do that I'll wait for you here so we can talk about You and Potter"
I roll my eyes as I go to the bathroom, after getting my fresh clothes. As I come back, clothes changed, Blaise still sits in his bed smiling weird.
"Soo what did Harry say when you came to him?"
"Nothing I sat down next to his bed and asked if he was ok but he didn't answer so that's it"
"Draco you are so stupid"
"That's harsch, why?"
"because you asked if he was ok after he literally fell down 6 meters or something onto the fucking ground, no wonder he didn't answer"
"ok that wasn't my brightest move but those feelings for him confuse me ok. I can't be in love with him, he will never feel the same way"
"I know Draco you always fall for those who are unrealistic"
I throw a pillow at him after I lay down onto my bed. We talk a bit more and then go to the dinner where Potter obviously is not. I mean he fell from a fucking broom. We eat and go back to our room, Blaise packs his stuff and goes to Pansy again. Now I'm all alone in my room as always.

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