Chapter 9: in every bad is something good ✨

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writers POV:

Harry nods and Ron, Hermione and Drarry leave the room of requirements.

Draco POV:

As we leave the room of requirements, me holding Harry's hand, I keep feeling the judging faces of Weaslebee and Granger on me, so I ask them:
"what do you wanna know?"
Harry looks at me confused and Hermione asks:
Now we stopped walking and Ron just looks at me confused as does Harry and now Hermione expects an answer from me:
"you heard me, what do you wanna know? I know you wanna have information about me and Harry so what exactly?"
"Draco that's not-"
"yes Harry it is, let's just see what they wanna know": I interrupt him.
Hermione then says after whispering with Ron:
"What is this between you two? why did y'all spend so much time together lately?"
"First of all-": Harry starts: "-we don't really now and-"
I can see that he's struggling to find something to say about her second question so I say:
"we didn't spend that much time together and just like Harry said we don't know what that is either, we're confused. At least I am and if you have a problem with us spending time together then I don't know"
"ok uhmm we don't have a problem with that, right Ron?"
"right!". You can clearly hear that he's annoyed.
"So, what I was gonna say is that we're just worried about you,Harry. What's wrong? You've been so distant lately"
Now she turns to Harry and considering him squeezing my hand, I know that he's uncomfortable with her asking. He tries to find something to say and instead of telling them the truth like he told me, he simply says:
"I'm fine, Hermione. Don't worry"
It's sounds so convincing and they are convinced cause they nod and leave. I know it's hard to talk about stuff like self harm and all but he lies so good, that's not good. He can convince his best friends by simply telling them that he's ok, even though he's clearly not ok. Even I can see that now.
We stand there in the corridor a bit after his friends left. Then I ask Harry:
"How come they are convinced so easily?"
"I don't know, they just trust me I guess"
"But that's not good, even I can see that you're not fine now. Fine is never really fine"
"I guess but did you knew that I wasn't fine before I told you all of that?"
"No not really. You always looked so happy and nice like everything is ok"
"exactly, I'm not fine you're right. But if someone asks me what's wrong I can't say that it is everything cause then they're gonna ask what exactly and I don't have an answer for that. I can't just say: yeah hi uhmm life. It's hard"
"I know, all my life I've been hiding my feelings because my father didn't allow me to show them, so I build a mask for everyone."
"mhm, I guess we're both not so fine like we seem"
We go into the great hall and sit down in front of Hermione and Ron. They look at us..not normal but not as judging as they did in the corridor. So that's progress.
There is like no one in the great hall except from a few first years, cause well dinner is not for another hour. So we're almost alone.
Hermione and Ron talk about something stupid and Harry leans against my shoulder.
After a few minutes, I see Blaise coming in. He looks at me and Harry, who's now sleeping on my shoulder. He walks over to us, sits down and whispers into my ear:
"you're making progress, Dray"
I just punch him at the arm and now Hermione and Ron's attention is on us. Hermione says:
"why did you punch him?"
"because I can, that's none of your business"
She rolls her eyes and goes back to talking to Ron. Harry is still sleeping, now with my arm around him, which is kinda impressive.
Blaise talks to me about something stupid, I don't really pay attention. Then Harry wakes up again. He looks at me with sleepy eyes and says:
"hey Dray"
"Uhmm hi"
That was confusing but sweet, he has a nickname for me.
Blaise looks at me and I can guess that he's going to talk about that later. Hermione and Ron just look at us confused and Harry says:
"What?": after sitting up.
"Nothing, nothing": Ron says. They both look confused as they leave the great hall.
Harry looks after them and then back to me where he now sees Blaise:
"oh hi Blaise"
"hey Harry, did you sleep good?"
"yeah, yeah uhmm Draco can we talk?"
Well that can't mean any good. I mean last time he asked if we could talk we had amazing sex soo...
"yeah sure. Where?"
"in your room?! In mine is Ron with Hermione so.."
"yeah of course": I say while we both stand up. Blaise leaves too but goes into a different direction as we get into the corridor. Harry and I continue our way going to my room.
As we enter the room, Harry sits down on my bed. He looks panicked but why?
I go to him stand in front of him and grab his hands, asking:
"what's wrong?"
"I-I don't know.. I-I uhmm *he breathes heavily* can't breathe"
"I see that come breathe with me"
I wanna get him to breathe with me but he just shakes his head and says out of breath:
"No no just.... stay.... with.... me..."
His breath got less and less during this sentence and at the end he seemed like he's gonna pass out any second. He looks at me scared like he's about to die and uses his last breath to say:
"Stay... with..." then he passes out, in front of me. And I don't know what to do. I shake him and try to wake him up. Thankfully he does wake up. Harry looks around confused then at me and asks:
"what...what happened?"
"you..uhmm passed out"
He turns away like he knows the reason why he passed out. And then I remember what he told me when we were on the Astronomy tower. ("I can't even eat like a normal person anymore.") So I slowly turn his head to me and start to talk:
"Harry when was the last time you ate?"
He looks down and says quietly:
"I don't know"
I turn his head back to me and ask:
"what do you mean?"
"I mean that *he stands up* I don't fucking know when the last time was. I didn't eat in like I don't know two days. *he gets angry* I just can't eat...I can't"
Throughout the sentence his voice gets quieter and after it he sits back down on the bed. I sit down next to him and say:
"you're gonna eat something right now. You're starving yourself Harry"
"I can't Draco, I just-I can't" His eyes start to tear up.
"Harry, you have to or else you're gonna die"
"No buts Harry we're gonna get you something to eat now"
I stand up, grab his hand and we go in the corridor, to the great hall.

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