New Beginnings

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Constantly backstabbing people blindsighted
Bet she never expected the tables to turn
The four sides on the table
Matching to the four long years I've spent bumping into her sharp edges.
Constant arguments and bickering
Continuously going in a cycle full of problems
You made my life colorfully black and white.

You made constant jabs at me when I was already bleeding.
I realized that you weren't the one I was needing.
Year seven we had left each other.
She ran down her path while I stood there waiting for her.

I stayed still for days but then got the courage to start walking down my path.
While I was walking things began to grow
New opportunities; no more foes

That same year, eight new people showed up in my life.
They nourished me and were always there for me.
I started becoming the person I wanted to be
Even if I was falling behind they would all pick me up.
But then I fell for a deceiving path.

She was waiting to meet up in the middle.
The same person with a boring and destructive path behind her.
I fell for her deceit, once again.
She came back into my life again controlling whatever I did.
She had messed up my closest relationship.
She stomped on him like a bug.
I was blinded by her meaningless words and fell for her tricks.

It took too long but I really looked.
The more that I wondered, I figured out what was needed.
Yes It would be wildly different without her
There wouldn't be someone constantly in my ear degrading me,
There wouldn't be someone that always had a problem with everyone and everything,
There wouldn't be a constant dictator in my life.

I WILL NEVER let anyone control me that much ever again in my life...

So when the leaves fell and left their home disappearing from the tree's life.
I knew it was now Autumn and I needed to shake that leaf off my branch.
Original by Olivia DR

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