Chapter 17 - "A contingency plan, if you will."

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Evette thrashed about not caring about the burn of the iron upon her skin, as her cousins and Romulus tried to hold her still. She knew that the Cauldron would kill a Fey like herself. The Fey were not Made by the Cauldron - they were made by the Old Gods. They were the children of Old Gods - both physically and magically.

Being shoved into the Cauldron would kill her - she was sure of that.

"No, no, no!" Evette yelled as she pulled, yet her movement was already restricted enough with the chains around her. "Don't you touch me!"

Julius and Emory moved their hands in a waving gesture, and the chains fell from her, and she let out a wail of agony, some pieces of her skin being stuck to the chains, and gooey looking blood connected her skin to the chains.

They began to drag her over to the Cauldron as she began to thrash about in their grip, and she began to fight against them. "We're older, dear cousin." Romulus taunted her. "You can't beat us all...just...stop struggling. You're embarrassing yourself."

Evette saw red as she glared at the man before her - the man who had pretended to be her cousin, who had likely removed his own goddamn eye in order to go through with the plan to kill her, the man who had swapped himself and Caspian so she had killed her cousin instead of him.

Evette grit her teeth and swung her head forwards, and nailed him in the mouth, hard. He stumbled back a little, and she mustered up as much of her anger as she could, before she lifted her leg and slammed it right into his stomach. Romulus flew backwards, hit the wall, and crashed through it from the strength of her hit.

"Yeah, well, I'm angrier, asshole!" Evette spat after him, and she moved to shake Julius and Emory off. However, Julius yanked on her hair, hard, which caused her movements to stop. She stopped moving lest he yank her hair from her head.

She struggled and struggled, and before she knew it she was before the Cauldron. Julius and Emory hoisted her up as she flailed about violently, she turned her body, she tensed, she tried moving away from them. She elbowed them, she clawed at them, and she pushed away from the Cauldron with her feet and legs.

Julius and Emory dropped her to the floor, and she was quick to slam her foot into the groin of Julius, and he groaned and dropped to his knees. Emory reached for her, and she lifted her hand, and a hard wall of air hit him, and threw him across the hall. Evette stood, and Julius reached for her.

However, she firmly grabbed his elbow, and pulled his arm outwards a little. She placed a hand on the back of his neck to keep him still, right before she slammed her knee directly into his shoulder. A pop sounded through the room as she dislocated his shoulder, and then she shoved him to the floor, before she slammed her foot down onto his now dislocated shoulder.

Julius cried out in pain, right before Romulus came up from behind her, and lifted her from the ground by her hips. "Let go of me, you asshole!" Evette yelled, and Allegra took a few steps forwards in alarm as she stared at her sister, her heart racing. She was about to run after her sister, but Lucien stopped her with a shake of his head.

Romulus lifted her and forced her into the Cauldron, and as soon as her head became submerged under the black water, she felt as though she were being dragged down deeper and deeper. She thrashed in the water as she felt the sensation of drowning - but the more she thrashed, the more she were dragged down deeper.

And soon she lost consciousness.

Evette sat up and found she was on the floor of a place she didn't know. Taking a look at her surroundings she found she was surrounded by nothing but black mist and clouds. It was cold, and dark. She shivered, and her breath was visible as she stood.

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