Cuddles ~ Reth *FLUFF* HCs

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Tylerscalmingcold some little headcanons for you, as requested! I love Reth so damn much lmao


•He'll never admit it out loud, but he's very touch starved. Cuddling with you just instantly makes everything okay in his eyes.

•He's honestly not the biggest fan of spooning. He definitely won't complain about it (any contact with you is good contact after all), but he much prefers to be facing his partner directly so he can admire them.

•He'll claim his favorite position to cuddle you in is any where you're curled into his chest, but in reality it's the other way around. There's just something about being able to feel and hear your heartbeat that puts him entirely at ease.

•If you're shorter than him, he'll still love cuddling you in the same way as above. He'll curl himself in the most awkward, uncomfortable ways just so he can rest against your chest.

•Rubbing the spot where his neck and back meet will put him to sleep in seconds. Not that it's hard to put him to sleep during cuddle sessions anyway since he's so sleep deprived, but that spot is especially effective.

•He'll plant kisses all along your neck and jaw while you're cuddling. Any pleas for him to stop only result in him kissing you with more fervor until you're gasping for air from how hard you're laughing.

•He loves to admire your face while you're in such close proximity to each other but the moment you return the favor he's a bright red mess, babbling and stumbling over his words while trying to avoid eye contact.

•He's so in love with you it's insane. He'll mumble to you constantly about just how lucky he is to have you in his life while running his fingers up and down your spine or through your hair.

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