♡𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡♡

428 6 0

Mention: blood, knife, etc.

In the middle of the city was a mess. There was broken buildings, fire on some of the buildings, a bunch of police officers surrounding the area, broken vehicles, and etc.

Both of them were fighting in the air and on the ground. Hobie was fighting another villain once again, it's not surprising. Both fighting in their suit or what they call 'skin'.

Though, the villain knows his identity. And her main purpose was to kill him and end him. "Come on luv, you can do better than that" He speaks as he swings through her and accidently pulling her mask off, revealing her identity.

He stopped swinging and was about to apologise until he saw her face. "W-What? Y/N?!" his eyes widened in surprised. He wasn't expecting this.

Her heart dropped as her identity was revealed. She looked up at him worried. "H-hobie, I can explain!" She said while slowly reaching closer to him as he backs up.

"How long have you been lying to me?! I trusted you.. You were my best friend!" he yelled, his heart felt broken. How could she betray him? Why did she do this..?

"L-look, I didn't want this to happen. But i had no choice! I never wanted to be a villain. Please just listen to me!" She said as she started crying.

He looked at her, hurt. "Explain. Now." He speaks.

"I never wanted to be a villain okay? I never wanted to! I was forced to. I never wanted this life! I was threatened.. if I didn't do this job. My family is gonna die. They're gonna kill my family. P-please just understand me Hobie.. I never wanted to do this.." she broke down and cried even more as she speaks the truth.

Hobie was left speechless. Though he felt bad what Y/n did still wasn't the right thing. Killing and suffering others?

"I know it's hard.. I'm sorry for what you had to go through" he said slowly, and softly.

"I-im sorry.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I was afraid. I was afraid you were going to hate me and leave me" she cried .

He looked at her feeling guilty. He walks closer to her and give her a warm embrace. She wraps her arms around him and cried against him.

"I-im sorry.. I'm so sorry" she whispered as he caresses her back. "Shh.. it's fine.. i forgive you.." he answered softly to not scare her.

"Thank you" she whispered. Suddenly Hobie felt a sharp pain stabbing through his back until his stomach. A sharp knife was stabbed through him making him bleed.

He lets out a loud yell as he was stabbed from behind. "You.." He says, his words coming out as a cough followed by his blood which also came out of his mouth.


Y/n laughs as he push him away from her. "What a surprise ain't it? Can't believe Spider-Punk fell for my little tricks"

"This.. isn't fair.." He says as he looked up to her. He lets out another cough of blood, he was losing his strength yet he tried to stay alive.

"Life is never fair." She whispers with a smirk. She felt proud. Happy. She won. Spider-Punk is defeated.

"Damn shame, innit?" He asks, trying to make a smart comment but it turned out into a loud cough.

She squatted down to his level and gripping his jaw tightly. "Aww.. it hurts doesn't it? You're so.. weak."

He was too weak to even keep his eyes open now, the blood and the wound was too much.

He felt so tired, so weak, tired of trying to fight against the pain.

𝙷Ø𝒃𝘪𝑒 βяØ𝔀𝐍 - 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now