Chapter 1

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(Deku's pov)

Me, Kacchan and Todoroki have currently been working under Endevour at his agency.

Today, we have been assigned to scout our own designated areas, solving small crimes and helping any innocent bystanders.

Since we were all given our own areas to protect, me, Kacchan and Todoroki have all been split up.

Right now, I'm chasing after a thief.

"Damn hero's! Always getting in everyone's business," the man spat, clenching a bag of stolen money tight in his hand as I chased him.

I ignored his words, continuing to follow after him until I was close behind. Using black whip, a rod of energy shot towards the criminal's hand, slipping the bag from underneath his finger tips.

I threw the bag out of reach before, retaining his hands behind his back and then shoved him onto the ground.

I used my own hand to apply pressure onto the man's back, not allowing any openings of escape. However, I was suddenly caught off guard when he turned his head to face me, looking me straight in the eyes, before muttering, "Dirty Dog."

I felt my body flash with heat, a spec of sweat dripping down my cheek.
Was this a quirk at use?

The police arrived shortly after, escorting the thief into a cop-car. I informed them of the situation and gave them the bag of stolen goods.

Just as the police were about to enter the car, I remembered the criminal's words to me and the sudden flash of heat I had felt.

"S-Sorry sir, but before you go," I said, stopping an officer, "just before you arrived, that man said to me 'Dirty Dog.' And when he did, I felt weird.. but only for a second. I don't feel any different now, but I think he may have hit me with a quirk."

The officer nodded, bringing a finger to his chin. "I'm sure you're busy at the moment, but after you're finished working, come down to the police station," he instructed.

The police officer asked me a couple more questions before calling
Mr Aizawa, informing him of the situation. Later that day, I finished my work at Endevours agency and made my way to the police station.

Once I arrived, I was shown into a room, where I was greeted by Mr Aizawa and the police officer.

I took a seat opposite them before being told about the quirk. "The man who hit you was a small-time criminal, this was his second and last robbery," the officer said.

"When interrogating him about the crime, we also asked about his quirk and wether he used it on you," Aizawa began, "he admitted to using his quirk on you and told us the name of his quirk 'Dirty Dog.' Other than that, he refused to tell us anything else."

"Dirty Dog.. that's what he said to me. At first I thought he was calling me a name until I felt that weird sensation," I replied.

"Yes we know. Other than then, have you felt any different?" Aizawa asked.

"No.." I answered.

"I see. Well, if you don't feel anything unusual I suppose you can continue your work here and at school. However, if you feel any different, tell me immediately," Aizawa ordered.

I nodded.


I returned back to the dorms, along side Kacchan and Todoroki the next day. I told them both about the incident receiving a cackle from Kacchan and a series of follow-up-questions from Todoroki.

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