Chapter 6

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(Bakugou's pov)

After regaining my strength I fled from Deku's room, returning to my own. That night I showered till the burning hot water tainted my skin pink.

The next day, I watched from the common room as Aizawa approached the stairs, leading to Deku's room.

By the time I left last night, Deku's dick was as limp as mine: thank fuck. Hopefully, since then, his horny ass didn't get another boner.

My thoughts were confirmed when Aizawa returned, Deku by his side. He wore his school uniform, along with the pants made specially for his tail.

Looking my way, his face flushed as his tail tucked between his legs. I huffed turning away, whilst the rest of the class crowded him.

"You're back in classes?" Someone questioned.

"Y-Yeah, I feel better.. for now at least," Deku replied.

"If he shows any behaviours as before, he'll rest in the dorms. Hopefully this wears off soon," he mumbled. With that he was off out the door.

A plate of breakfast was made ready for Deku, which for once he ate by his own willingness -without me having to shove it down his throat.

Soon enough, we made our way to class which was excruciatingly boring. All I could think about was blowing off some steam.

Since yesterday night, I've had this pent up feeling building in my chest. I felt heavy with emotions I was unable to process, too much for me to even recognise at once.

Not only that, but I could feel that damn bastard's beady eyes practically shoot lasers into my back. 

I snapped my head around, glaring him in the eye, "got something to say?"

"N-No," he gulped.

Later that day, it was finally time for practical, which meant I could vent out my emotions, through fighting.

I wasn't angry at Deku, per se. I was more frustrated with myself.

Even though I allowed myself to Deku that day, reassuring him I could take it, I barely left his room walking. He fucked me limbless.

What made things worse was that I liked it. Fuck, I liked the feeling of vulnerability, to him of all people! What the fuck!

During hero training, we were paired against each other and told to spar, no quirks allowed. For once we were allowed to choose our own partners.

"Yo Bakugou!" Kirishima called, gesturing for me to come over.

Staring past him, I watched as
Pink-Cheeks proceeded towards Deku. My chest swelled with a feeling I couldn't name.

I waved away Kirishima as I passed him, instead walking towards Deku. I shoved Pink-Cheeks the other way as I stole Deku away. "Oi, let's spar," I requested, or rather ordered.

The one before me didn't hesitate, but instead positioned himself ready.

We began.

In an instant we both sprinted towards each other, throwing punches.

Defending each other's attacks we looked for openings in each other's defence. With his side open, I swung a punch to his waist, sending him off balance.

However, he was quick to find himself back on his feet, swinging a kick back at me. Dodging, I sprung backwards, before rushing back towards him, throwing him head on.

As I threw a punch, which was then blocked, I saw an opening; his tail.

I grabbed the base, pulling it, making the nerd stumbled with surprise. He fell backwards, making me topple onto him, my hand still gripping his now-wagging tail.

I heard him yelp from underneath me, my weight now resting on him. Glancing down, I saw his face drip with sweat.

But we barely even finished one round, how was he already dropping buckets of sweat-

I felt something prod against my inner thigh, answering my question.
Shit, he has to get a boner, now?

"Really? Right now?" I scoffed.

He sputtered words, none making any sense. I rolled my eyes, glancing around. Everyone else was currently distracted, occupied with their own rounds of fights and Aizawa watching over Half-n-Half and engine legs.

I pushed myself up, grabbing Deku's wrist, pulling him up with me.

"Go back to the dorms, I'll tell Aizawa you feel dizzy," I ordered.

"But what if he-"

"I'll handle it," I interrupted, handing him my jacket, "wrap this around your waist."

He nodded, taking the jacket -his face flushed.

Whilst he made his way out, I made my own way over to Aizawa. Scratching my neck, I stood next to him. "Deku's not.. feeling well," I mumbled.

He turned my way, "sweating again?"

"That and he feels dizzy," I added.

"Where is he?" He was quick to ask, his eyes pacing around the room.

"I told him to go back to the dorms," I answered.

"Good call. Go with him, I'll check on him tonight," he instructed.

I arrived back at the dorms, immediately proceeding towards Deku's room. I burst through the door, my eyes wandered, looking for Deku, who I did not see.

I could distantly hear the sound of water running, making me realise he was in the bathroom. Swinging the door open, I revealed Deku, who rested his weight against the wall, water dripping down his body.

"Oi, mutt," I called. His tail wagged, swatting away water that collected in his fur. I couldn't help but smirk, watching as his tail reacted to my calling.

"Kacchan," he panted, his eyes darting towards me.

I walked over, reaching my hand into the shower, flipping off the tap -controlling the water.

"Come on," I whispered, stroking his tail. His body jerked, towards me.

"Kacchan if you do that.. I won't be able to control myself.." he groaned, sinking against me.

"I know,' I continued, my other hand travelling behind his head, petting his ear. Suddenly, I was shoved against the wall, a hand slammed next to my neck.

I smirked.

"C'mon, do your worst," I challenged, tugging again at his tail. His head dropped as a sound of pleasure  left his lips.

He rolled down my pants and turned me against the wall. His fingers slipped themselves into my hole. I shuddered under his touch, my hand tightening around his tail.

"If you keep pulling it I'm going to break you," he muttered.

I bit my lip, feeling my cock throb.

"I said do your worst."

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