Chapter 2

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(Bakugou's pov)

After forcing Deku out of bed, I made my way to class, continued with the day and returned back to the dorms.

I was teased about being forced to be Deku's fucking dog sitter, which pissed me the fuck off. I had no clue how those extras even found out about that arrangement, but knowing Deku, he probably blurted it out.

In return, I told everyone how his tail wagged when I called him mutt.

Some even attempted to get it to do it again, calling the nerd 'good boy,' or 'good dog,' which for some reason didn't work.

I still cackle to myself thinking about it.

I didn't see much of him in the common area that night. The few times I did see him, he wore the pants Momo and made him, parading around that stupid fucking tail.

Other than that, he hid himself in his room, which was unlike him, since he was fairly extroverted, always mingling with those army of ants I'm forced to call classmates.

Although, considering the quirk he was hit by, I'm not surprised. I wouldn't want anyone taking the piss out of me for a tail and pair of dog ears I magically spurted over night -hypothetically.

Doesn't mean I won't make fun of him any less though.

He didn't come down for dinner that day either, so I hesitantly brought up a plate of food for him (against my will).

I banged at his door and waited a couple of seconds till he finally opened up.

I shoved the plate of food in his face after scolding him for taking his fucking time to answer.

He gave me a weak smile in response before taking the plate of my hands.

Looking at him, I saw sweat drop down his face as his eyes remained half open. His hair was even more raggedy than usual, I swear I saw a family of mice in there.

I slammed the door on him and walked down the corridor. Just as I was about to enter the elevator, I heard a loud 'thump.'

What the fuck was up now?

I sighed, stopping in my tracks and walked back to his room. Swinging the door open, I saw the plate of food left on the desk, untouched, and the bastard spread across his bed.

Water bottles flooded the floor, most empty, a pack of bulk sat on his nightstand. I grunted, storming over, grabbing the plate on my way.

Sitting by the end of his bed, I slapped him awake with one hand, forcing him to sit up.

"I didn't spend 2 hours on this for you not to eat it," I grumbled, shoving a fork into his hand.

"I'm not really hungry," he mumbled.

"So you're just going to let it sit here and rot. You're lucky I'm not feeding you dog food," I grimaced, spooning a generous amount of food onto the fork.

I held it out for him to take, which he did, now holding both the plate and fork in his hands.

Glancing around his room, my eyes stared at the empty bottles, scattered messily around the room. I didn't see these this morning, did he drink all of these in the span of six hours?

I scoffed, pulling myself up and grabbed any empty bottle in sight. I then shoved them into the bin on my way out.

"Th-thanks," I heard him say.

"Keep your room clean. You might as well have a pig tail at the rate you're going," I scoffed, closing the door as I left.

This time, as I made my way down the corridor, I was stopped by Aizawa.

"How is he?" He asked.

"He looks like shit, also there was empty water bottles everywhere," I told him, I wasn't sure why I told him about the water bottles, it just seemed like something necessary to mention.

"He was really thirsty when he first woke up at medical, I thought his thirst would've stopped by now," he sighed.

I heard a faint crinkle, making me look for the source of the noise. I spotted a sleeve of pills embedded in Aizawa's fist. "What's that?" I asked.

"Pills," he bluntly replied before shooting off towards Deku's room.
I thought after being forced to baby sit Deku I would be kept in the loop of things, but I guess not.

I watched him disappear into Deku's room, however the door remained wide open. I couldn't faintly hear their conversation, but what I heard most clearly was 'suppressants.'

Suppressants for what? His thirst?
I shrugged it off and headed to my own room.

When I first heard about the quirk incident, I was convinced Deku was going to turn into a dog at some point. I secretly wished he would, what a fucking laugh that would be. There's still hope though.

In the meantime, I guess the ears and tail were good enough, well, close enough.

On the other hand, I didn't think it would make him act like this. He basically moped around the dorms all day.

I was honestly surprised when I heard he passed out. With the name of the quirk being 'dirty dog' I thought it would make him stink like one, not loose consciousness.

After Deku first told me and
half-n-half about the guy who hit him and how he wouldn't explain the side effects of the quirk, I was left confused.

If the guy's already off to jail, he might as well admit everything. And why would he hide information about his quirk in the first place?

It had me questioning, and the questioning only led to a series of a hundred other fucking questions.

Why did I even care?

The amount of times that bastard had been the victim of any quirk incident is honestly impressive. Well, impressive until he once pulled me down with him.

I'll never forgive him for the time we were handcuffed to each other. It was only for 3 hours with the help of Aizawa, but those 3 hours were enough for me to wish death upon him and everyone else.

Once in my own room, I studied whatever we had learned that day, reading over some notes, and called it a night.

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