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Jin part:
"When will you tell that park that you really love him ggukie?" Jin asked coming out of the kitchen with a tray carrying five glasses and a wine, Jeongguk sat lazily on the sofa with hands hanging out both side and his head throw back along with Hoseok who was still on his phone as always scrolling through Instagram, while yoongi was seated in the floor playing a video game against Namjoon who was alone on another one-seater sofa 🛋

"That's because he gat no balls, he's just a dick" Namjoon churned in , gaining a smack from Jin who placed the tray in the table next to yoongi

"Hey I do have balls and a dick too, wanna see 😌?" Jeongguk pouted and was ready to bring down his pants to prove his words to his friends by showing his essential areas, meanwhile Hoseok hurriedly switched his phone to camera, ready to film.

Jeongguk pulled down his pants and was going for his briefs next when he spotted Hoseok in his cinematography position,filming him!

"Hey!!😳you're ever ready to film, put your fucking phone down this instant... I refuse to give you any show or satisfaction ☹️" He said and pulled back up his pants making Hoseok frown

" you really said it man! He ain't got no balls for real😅😅" Yoongi said siding with Namjoon and both of them laugh.. still focusing on their games.. Jeongguk just sat there pouting.. he's used to his friends being this way

"Fuck y'all ☹️😗" Jeongguk crossed his hands around his chest with a mad put on his face until Jin came close to him and patted his shoulders with a calm smile.. handing him a glass of wine 🍷

"Don't let them get to you ggukie, they aren't perfect at all.. joon is a clumsy man child while Yoon has the curse of sleeping beauty but in his case.. I see no beauty only a grandpa who fall asleep anywhere and anytym even in war!" Jin said trying to cheer him up but Namjoon and Yoongi wasn't having it.. they were ready to give Jin a comeback not until Jin shot them an angry glare making the duo return back to their game quietly!

"But they bully me hyung😫" Jeongguk complained looking at Jin with glossy bunny eyes( he's not about to cry.. the lightening in the house made his eyes glossy and ready beautiful 🤩)

"Says the bully to many"Hoseok scoffed taking a sip on his wine but turned to meet Jin strong gaze on him.. he swallowed wrongly and started coughing

"You should really tell this Jimin how you really feel about him, instead of bickering and trying to get on his nerves always!" Jin advised

"Hyung, he's a fiesty one,but how can I confess, I don't even know if he's into guys, cause all his history has been with girls" jeongguk explains

"That's where your wooing and boyish charm comes in, try to figure out if he gets affected by your actions, your touch and words.. that's the only way to know he's also into guys.. cause I'm pretty sure he won't tell you that so easily..mainly cause of you two don't get along!" Jin encourages him, which brought a smile to jeongguk's lips..

" what about that Taehyung"yoongi added from nowhere and got everyone's attention including Hoseok

"I mean Taehyung has feelings for jimin right?, what can be done with him?🤨" Yoongi added again, completing his words casually and rather uninterested.

"Taehyung is no threat, he just need a distraction.. that's all.. you don't have to do anything to him" Hoseok defended right away even before Jin could answer the question!

" Sunshine is right, maybe Taehyung doesn't mean it that way, maybe he's just going through a phase.. so y'all shouldn't trouble the kid!" Jin reasoned along with Hoseok earning a relieve sigh 😌 from Hoseok.. he knows they'll listen to Jin especially jungkook

" he should better not be a bother😠" yoongi said again earning him confused stares from the remaining four.. with an airy laugh he continued

"I mean for our jeongguk happiness, you all can see how much he loves Jimin and what state he is in cause of the boy" yoongi covered up again

" it's nothing serious yoon.. he'll be fine.. he just need to confess his feelings to the guy" jin said, walking back into the kitchen to prepare snacks for his friends.

Done with another chapter..
hope you don't find this story boring
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