8 1 0

Third person pov
      The four boys got to their homes. Jimin has to skip dinner since Taehyung wasn't happy with him and he doesn't like eating alone, rather he went to the kitchen and got himself a bowl of ice cream and crackers, all his maids were already retired to their quarters by now now, he got comfy on his couch and turned on the Tv to watch BABY BOSS2


   On the other hand Jeongguk just go out of the shower...drying his raven hair with an ash color towel and threw it somewhere in the corner of the huge room, he put on a grey sweatpants and a tank top,slumping on his bed with a loud thud.. his hands searched the king sized bed blindly looking for his phone, he finds it eventually and sent a quick text to Jin.. letting him know he's home and fully settled. Then he casually scrolled through Instagram when he came across a post Jimin made two days back.. it was a picture of him and Taehyung eating Ramyeon.

Jimin had on a wide smile while Tae stared at him lovingly.. he knew the latter was whipped for jimin.. everyone knows.. except Jimin apparently! He scrolled through Jimin page some more before throwing his phone some to sleep!

Namjoon and yoongi:

Meanwhile Yoongi who stayed close to Namjoonie was going through his own mental crisis.. he walked to his a cigarette.. he puffed the toxic smoke and let it out from his mouth and nose.. suddenly something came flying at him..

It was a...shoe🤨😐... oh yes! A shoe and it belongs to Namjoon
"Ya.. you idiot.. stop puffing on that death stick" Namjoon warned but Yoongi was glaring daggers at him

"Else I'd call Jin"

"You think I'm afraid of him🤨" Yoongi scoffed and puffed his cigarette.. blowing the air to Joonie's direction..challengingly

Immediately Namjoon took out his phone.. dialing some numbers and put it close to his ear..
"Hope you're ready for some rap-scolding yoongles"

Yoongi glared defeatedly and called out to Namjoon to end the call while he threw away his cigarette
"See!!! It's gone! Now please hang up the goddamn phone!"

With a smirk Namjoon agreed but it was too late cause Jin has already picked the call

"Hello??! Joonie?!"
With panic Namjoon had to come up with something at the spot
"Hey hyung.. w-wassup"

" I'm fine, got home safely yeah?"

"Um..Yeah! Absolutely hyung"

" good.. was it why you called?🤔"

"What? Called? You called me".

"No joonie.. you did or maybe you butt dialed me🤷"

"Hehe..yeah maybe 😬okay byeee✌️

Before Jin could get a word in.. Namjoon ended the call😂

" okaaayy??! What was that?🤨" yoongi asked

"THAT WAS awkward!😐"Namjoon answered! He was so nervous and couldn't think of any lie.. other than that.. he can't lie to Jin... he loves him too much

" yeah.. whatever.. I'm going to bed and YOU! Stop spying on me idiot" yoongi threatened

" you think I like spying on you.. do yourself a favor and stop ungrateful cold human" Namjoon yelled out to an already-vanished yoongi.. his loud voice woke up the neighborhood dogs and they were all barking like crazy

"Ahh shut up crazy animals" he yelled again but still the barking continued

This isn't the original chapter eight.. I lost my note.. so I had to make up something on the spot! I hope it's good tho..
I can't write without my notes but I tried my best here.. I keep writing so I can update y'all..
please watch RM's new mv.. it's so so amazing 🤩

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