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Jimin drove off upon seeing Taehyung entering his mansion, he didn't mean to offend the latter but everything was different now and it all got out of hands😓

Tae's questions and sudden outburst were unexpected and he swore to make it up to his best friend. Jimin thought wander to when they first met, it was in a business party with their fathers, the banquet was thrown to meet prospective partners, due to Tae and Jimin's interaction,since they were the only kids there... their fathers also got to know themselves and became partners.

From that moment on TAEMIN became inseparable.. it was a fun sight to look at when they're together. The sup grew up with major glow ups and if Jimin is being honest, he once saw Tae in a different light! Yes! Jimin was once nurturing a huge crush on his best friend!

*knocks on the window*
The constant tapping kept sleepy Taehyung turning and kicking,trying to block out the sound but the persky noise won't stop, so eventually he got up with a sleepy frown , making his way towards the window.. ready to cuss at whosoever it was until he saw who the intruder really was!

"Fuck chim, what are you doing here so late" Taehyung questioned with furrowed brows after staring at the table clock 🕰 which read 03:20am.. but instead of getting a reply , Jimin jumped inside and made his way to Tae's bed.

"Yo dude! I'm asking you stuff, you can't just wake me up from my lovely sleep,just to ignore my questions,park"

"Arrrgghh!! Tae,just shut up... my head is pounding,be useful and get me some water please" Jimin replied really agitated and lay on the bed getting comfortable, meanwhile Taehyung just stared at him for a while.

He knew Jimin was out partying but he didn't expect him to drink at all.. he doesn't seem like the type to handle alcohol so well, after a moment of staring,he just roll his eyes and walked pass him.. down to the kitchen,getting Jimin his water and some painkillers too.

When he got back,Jimin was no longer on the bed, rather he was staring at some framed pictures of him and Tae together

"We were so cute back then,right" Tae said with a smile, approaching Jimin who was also smiling, he stretched his hands to give Jimin the water and painkillers... Jimin dropped the frame and took the contents, he chunged down the pills and drank all the water in a go, Tae was still standing beside him, smiling before he let out a compliment along with a chuckle

"That's a good boy"he said and patted hair gently but Jimin just stared at him weirdly

"Um.. hey Tae" Jimin called out to Taehyung who was already sitting on his bed, resting his back against the bed board, with his face glued to his phone, he hummed as response to Jimin's call..!!

"Um.. y-yeah.. do you think, Um 😐 best friends...can ...umm🤔 you know.. fall in love" Jimin blurted out reluctantly, but what happened next wasn't expected!

Hi y'all.. I'm back.. sorry bout the long hiatus..
Umm jin oppa is coming back soon.. let's be good and pretend we were well behaved since they left to avoid hyung's scolding 😄
I'd be updating a lot today.. I lost my note😩 yes again😓
Just started writing new ones! YK for a Jimin Stan.. I'm a lot more like Namjoonie 😂😂🤭

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