IX. "Who is Raghav?"

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Mishka Rajput

I opened the door of my husband's room to see him sitting on the bed, working on his laptop.

I ignored his presence, like I usually did, and made my way to the washroom, taking my clothes with me from the walk-in closet.

"Mishka, wait. I want to take a shower." I heard his voice just when I was about to step inside, and I paused on my way and turned around to see his not-so-attractive face.

A towel was wrapped around his head, and his hands held his clothes, but this was not what surprised me. In the past, whenever I came in the room after completing all my chores, he would have already taken a shower and changed his clothes. Maybe because he didn't like to interact with me.

'What changed now?'

"I came here first, so I get to shower first." Call me childish, I didn't care, but I liked my shower time very much so I didn't like when he suddenly said he wanted a shower at the same time as me.

"This is my bathroom, so I get to shower first." He replied haughtily. Honestly, I couldn't compete against that. It was a strong argument, considering everything in this room was his.

"Mister, I married you, so that means everything you own becomes mine too. This room is included." I would have been a good lawyer if I had tried to become one, considering my arguments were so good that it made Mr. Dhruv Rajput speechless.

"Right!" He cleared his throat and then spoke again,"You tell me who Raghav is and I will let you shower first." My haughty expression morphed into disbelief before you could say 'Wingardium Leviosa'.

This was what it was about? He wasted my three minutes to know about my employee? But then I remembered how he had treated me before, and a tinge of anger flared within me. When I didn't ask him about the woman he frequently brought home at the initial days of our marriage, how dare he ask me about my business?

"Why do you want to know? Did you see me asking you who the fuck the woman you brought home was?" I normally didn't curse, but when I did it was either something serious or I was seriously very angry or hurt. And right now, I was livid.

"Mishka, I never cheated on you. Which woman are you talking about?" His tone suddenly changed to a soft one, which was only reserved for his parents.
My husband was scared of my anger? Woah! I would definitely tease him about it later, but now I had no time to think about these things.

"The one who came here almost everyday in the initial days of our marriage."

Confusion remained in his eyes, and I was prepared to tell him her description, but then his eyes sparkled as if he had remembered something important,"Oh, honey, that was my assistant. And she came here for work."

"Which assistant comes at her boss' home after work hours?" I crossed my arms against my chest which made my breasts push up a bit, and I saw how his eyes flickered to my non-sensual action before they met my brown orbs again.

"We had some important work to do that we couldn't do in the office so I—"

"So you brought her where you know your new wife was living? Are you serious? Did you get her home to shove it in my face about how beautiful and white your assistant is." Being a black skinned woman, I had heard taunts from the society all my life and I was pretty insecure about it. My skin was not African black, and I knew Africans were the real definition of black skinned but I couldn't stop the insecurity from surging in my heart.

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