"Ms. Kim"

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Chapter one

Yn's POV
I woke up early in the morning to start getting ready for work. It's currently 4:50 in the morning. I'm so tired right now, it's unbelievable. Last night I went clubbing with some of my piers to celebrate the collaboration my company will have with the Park's corporation. I am a business woman. My father inherited his company to me as soon as I turned 18. My teens looked a little different from everyone else's. I wasn't aloud to go out and have fun or have little sleepovers with my friends or even hang out with them. I always had security with me 24/7. After all, I'm the daughter of a mafia who just so casually happens to have a successful business.
My empire is pretty great and no one dares to mess with it. My family is the richest of Korea. We're pretty famous among the people. Not only in Korea, but over seas too. My mom was never really okay with the idea of me becoming the CEO of my father's company and also a mafia. She knew deep down that there wasn't much she could do. I'm the eldest and have to do my duties and responsibilities. Some missions are very dangerous and (I) have come close to the edge of death. From what my brother told me, mom was constantly crying when I came back from the last mission. I had gunshot wound on my arm and the side of my stomach. I had bruises and had lost a lot of blood. My head had an open wound from a hit I received. I was unconscious for a week and my mother never left my side. I recovered well and that mission was a success.

"Hey, are you ready?? We have to go now."
"Yeah I'm almost done Jin, I'll be down there in a minute" I quickly put my heels on and checked my bag to make sure I had my wallet, phone, AirPods, keys, documents, lipstick, and my slippers. I went out of my room and rushed downstairs to get in the car. "You took so long" said Jin. "Yeah, Callate, I didn't even take that long. You wouldn't understand". "When do you plan on getting married? Dad has been asking me about it and I don't know what to tell him." He said with an annoyed expression. "Pause, why does papa come to you about this topic but doesn't bring it to me!! If he cares so much he should talk to me about it not you!" "I know, and I told him that but dad said he doesn't wanna risk losing his head with such a topic. That's why he comes to me about it." Said Jin.
Kim Seokjin, he's my stepbrother. He's a year younger than me. I'm currently 21 and he's 20. Dad cheated on my mom and had a one night stand while drunk. Jin's mom didn't want him and gave Jin to my father a couple months after his birth. She later got into an accident at the work place she used to work and died. Me and Jin grew up very closely. Even though, he's my brother from another mother, we still share the same father and regardless of it I still love him a lot. He's still my blood. Mom accepted him with open arms cuz she knew it would be an ass move to hold anger against him when he didn't do anything. She has grown to love and care for Jin a lot. He would've been the successor of dad if only he was older than me. "Ma'am, we've arrived" the driver said. "Let's go Jin, it'll be a long day today". We got out of the car and security followed behind us. The media was waiting for us to come closer to the entrance of the building. Flashing lights everywhere. We finally made it inside and I went on my way to my office and started working on a couple things. I have a meeting in an hour or so. I need to prepared for it.

Jimins POV

I was making my way to the Kim's imperial building. I have a meeting with the CEO about our collaboration that we have coming up. From what I've heard, the CEO is a woman. How trashy and low. A woman can't do the job right. Not only is she the CEO but apparently a mafia boss herself. For these types of jobs, one has to be ruthless to be able to survive. I don't understand why the Kim's would leave a woman in charge of such matters. "Sir, we've arrived" said my driver. I got out of the car as security was behind me following me inside. I went to the receptionist. "Hey, can you tell me where to meet the ceo. I have a meeting with her in a couple minutes about the collaboration with my company." I said. "Oh yes, Ms. Kim asked us to bring to the conference room. I'll take you to the conference room sir." She said.
I was sitting in a chair as everyone else started to settle down. Soon, the doors opened and a beautiful girl came in. Everyone stood up and said "Ms.Kim" and bowed. She looked a little familiar. Hold on. There's no way. That's Kim Yn!! When I was away to do my mandatory military service..Yn was the flight commander of my group. We were 50 people in our group and she was charge of us. She was a tough commander and expected us to be the best of the best. We only had her for 6 months. She got promoted to be a Squadron commander meaning she was in charge of 4 other flights and commanders plus 200 soldiers under her belt. She only did that for 3 months and got switch to be Lieutenant Colonel commander. She was in charge of 1,000 soldiers a battalion size unit. She was an absolute beast.
I had never seen a woman doing military service throughout those two years except for Yn. After my service was done, I heard from a couple people that her father made her join the armed forces in order for her to get some experience and help her grow as a person. In reality it was a test to see if she was capable of handling such things on her own. I remember one time, we were doing an obstacle course and it was raining hard. It was muddy and cold and we had to do the obstacle course in order to pass. We had to carry our riffles on the side which complicated things a little. I didn't want to do it and she came up to me and started yelling at me in front of the soldiers. She made me do 60 push ups. And ended up doing the obstacle courses. I earned a couple bruises here and there but I was grateful to her for pushing me. It was an experience. You really don't want to mess with her.

Yn pov

The meeting went well and had finished I was gathering my stuff when someone came up to me. It was Mr. Park. He looked so familiar for some reason. "Kim Yn right??" "Yes, Mr park?"
"The meeting went great and I'm very pleased to be collaborating with you on this amazing project. It's truly an honor." He said and grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on it. I retrieved my hand and said "it's a pleasure to be doing this collaboration. I hope we get along well Mr. Park" I said. "We have in the past, why wouldn't we now Ms Kim?" He said. In the past?? I don't remember him from anywhere. "Ah, my apologies. You were my flight commander when I was doing my military service." He said. Realization hit me. It was the cadet I had yelled at during the obstacle course!! "Ah Park Jimin!! Yes. You were that one cadet I yelled at for not wanting to do the obstacle course. How have you been??" I said. "Yes ma'am, I've been great I'm assuming you've also been good." "That's good, and I'm yeah I've been very well myself. Would you like to come to my office?? We can catch up for a little bit if you want." I offered. "Yeah sure, why not ma'am" he said. "You can drop all formality, it's fine, it's just us two right now." I said. "I don't want to risk it lieutenant colonel commander Kim" he said and I started to chuckle a little.


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