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Imagine having a lifetime companion that has kept you accompanied for years; constantly standing by your side no matter when it's pouring rain or sunshine outside. Despite the weather, despite all circumstances, you know they will always be there for you. At any point in time and place, you know who you would go to.

It's an enduring connection where their companionship is an unyielding thread, weaving through every moment, creating a bond that beckons them to stay by your side each day without fail. Their mere presence becomes a tapestry of comfort, a silent symphony that needs no words to resonate any further, providing the comforting warmth of love without hesitation.

It is a person who embodies you with a strength of hope, a will of courage, and who taught you how to love wholeheartedly; they eventually evolve into the very essence of home. Like a sanctuary for the lost soul, they cradle your comfort, they become a refuge where you seek solace without uttering a single word. They have become more than just a place; they've also brought out a feeling, an undeniable belonging that paints the canvas of your heart with vibrant hues of warmth and loving connection carrying in every stroke.

To Kin, that's who Krit is to him.

His home.

Navigating his life far away from the familiar landscapes of Phang Nga, Kin arrived in Bangkok in the midst of his university years after an exchange program that offered him the opportunity to extend the horizons of his academic pursuits. In this new, bustling environment, he then encountered Krit, a fellow student of the same year within the same faculty as him.

Kin's roots were distant, his connections to childhood friends and family stretched across miles away that would be best flown by a plane. Conversely, Krit, a true Bangkok local, bore the imprint of a life lived within the city's teeming embrace, never having ventured far from the comforting arms of his beloved friends and family. The juxtaposition of their diverse backgrounds set a presence for a unique connection, setting aside their differences.

Krit, sensing the potential loneliness and challenges that Kin might face in an unfamiliar city, reached out to Kin with a sympathetic hand, offering companionship to him. His compassion ignited the spark of a friendship between them, and that became a significant anchor in both of their lives. In later moments when they got to know each other better, they soon discovered a shared resonance of common interests, harmonizing hobbies, and career-driven dreams that intertwined seamlessly.

As the semesters unfolded and time gracefully advanced, their lives were eventually etched together, forming like a vibrant, intricately-made woven fabric; colorful and deeply interconnected. Kin, who was initially an exchange student, successfully transitioned to a full-time student in the capital area instead, buoyed by a prestigious scholarship offered by his university back home. Following Krit's steps, he then continued living in the city even after graduation, in hopes of getting a job in a similar area as the latter. Willing to move permanently to another city; that's how much he adores being around Krit.

With every passing moment in the heart of Bangkok echoing the vibrant pulse of the city, it transformed ordinary places into cherished chapters of their evolving friendship. The bustling streets, the cozy corners, and even the familiar malls became more than mere settings to them; they morphed into poignant anecdotes that adorned the moments of their shared memorable experiences together. From cramping their studies before exams to eating fried noodles sold by the campus, they would do everything together.

The challenges that Kin grappled with, being alone and distanced from the familiar comforts of his hometown, found an unexpected echo in Krit's life. Krit, who is an only child, was often left to figure out the expanse of his world while his busy parents worked odd shifts trying to make a living. With this, Krit understood the pangs of solitude more than anyone. This shared understanding of theirs became the main adhesive that fused their bond, growing stronger with each sharing moment. They both promised, that as long as they both shall live, they would keep each other accompanied at all times; always and forever. Doing whatever it takes just to feel a little less lonely.

In each other, they found solaceㅡa refuge from the solitude that life often presented. To each other, they became the pillars of comfort and empathetic ears, engaging in conversations that unraveled the events of their lives. From the mundane to the profound, they delved into the intricacies of their life experiences, creating a shared narrative that resonated with the essence of genuine connection. Amongst their shared experiences, heartfelt laughter reverberated, late-night study sessions etched fond unforgettable memories, and a comforting camaraderie flourished against the dynamic backdrop of Bangkok's bustling energy. Whenever they're with each other, the dense air feels a little lighter surrounded by smiles and laughter.

Krit emerged as the person that Kin had longed for, a pillar of support who transcended the boundaries of a mere friendship. To him, Krit wasn't just an ordinary companion; he embodied warmth, love, and joy, filling a void Kin didn't realize had existed before. He not only became a friend, but more than a chosen family, a cherished connection that Kin vowed to hold dear for a lifetime. Throughout their shared journey, Krit had become an irreplaceable thread, stitching together moments that painted the canvas of their lives with hues of companionship, understanding, and enduring affection.

Their relationship ventured beyond traditional labels and roles, becoming a gentle reminiscent of a romantic narrative without the need for specific definitions. Through laughter, tears, shared secrets, and experiences, Kin and Krit ventured into the complexities of life, each moment etched in the complex details of their shared journey together. Their lives have gotten completely entwined, not just as friends, but as confidants, partners, and companions, in every term possible as part of their lives.

Now, picture this scenario: the significant other that you hold dear to your heart, the one who you treasure the most, is unable to be by your side on your very special day. Does a celebration lose its luster without your loved one's presence, or do you find a way to move forward, learning to embrace solitude and compassion without them?

For Kin, celebrating his birthday also follows the triumph of securing his very first full-time job post-graduation. Yet, what unfolds when Krit, the most pivotal figure in Kin's life, is conspicuously absent on that significant day? Does Kin's birthday hang in the balance, or does he rediscover a path forward in the face of unexpected solitude?

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