The Deal With Death

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“Good mourning... What's with the grim look?" Death's voice echoed in the eerie silence.

"Am I dead?" Noah's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes, you have been dead for a long time. But I can restore you to the land of the living... for a favor," Death's words hung in the air like a spectral whisper.

"What kind of favor?" Noah leaned forward, curiosity etched across his face.

Death replied, "Someone has taken the key to the land of the dead. I need you to get it back."

Noah couldn't help but chuckle, "Death... is locked out of the Land of the Dead?"

"Don't rub it in. The key was taken by Vane... the so-called Void King," Death's tone hinted at a deep annoyance.

"So if I find this Vane guy and retrieve your key, you'll bring me back to life?" Noah raises an eyebrow, skepticism lingering in his voice.

"Yes, and until you complete my quest, you can't die," Death's gaze bore into Noah's.

"You mean I'm immortal?" Noah's lips curl into a smile.

"Technically, you can still get plenty hurt," Death retorted with a hint of dark humor.

"Oh, fun," Noah replied, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"Go, my champion, find Vane the Void King and retrieve my key," Death commanded with an air of authority.

Noah walkes away, determined to face the challenges ahead.

Once Noah vanishes from sight, Death mutters, "I have to find somewhere to crash until I can get back into my place," his ethereal presence fading into the shadows.

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