Meeting Vane

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Noah ascends a winding staircase, the air thick with anticipation as he reaches Death's Door. The colossal padlock, clutched by chains, gleams ominously. He attacks the door with unwavering determination, each strike echoing through the spectral expanse, shattering it into a myriad of shards.

Emerging from the shattered gateway stands a behemoth of darkness, towering at least 4 meters. Dark armor adorned with foreboding red accents envelopes the colossal figure. A massive sword, pulsating with an eerie red energy, completes the nightmarish ensemble.

“Vane, already? I expected an Epic quest to be more of a journey," Noah muses, eyeing the imposing figure before him.

Vane abruptly turns, his blood-red eyes penetrating Noah's very soul. A chilling laugh escapes his lips, "Noah? Death chose you to be his champion?" Vane inquires.

"You know who I am?" Noah questions, a tinge of surprise in his voice.

"In your first life, you were a legend, but that was long ago. People no longer sing of your deeds," Vane remarks with a hint of disdain.

"That's unfortunate. Now, hand over the key, Vane," Noah demands, determination flashing in his eyes.

"I would hope the great Noah would be somewhat of a challenge, but like your memory, your strength and skills have withered away. Still, you're welcome to try and take it from me," Vane challenges, his voice resonating through the spectral realm.

With a thunderous crash, Vane slams his colossal sword down, smashing Noah into the ethereal ground. Undeterred, Noah rises defiantly, the resonance of his immortality echoing in the ghostly air.

“Is that all the Void King has?" Noah taunts, his words a sharp retort to the looming darkness.

"I will make you wish you could die," Vane retorts, his red eyes ablaze with an ominous fury.

Vane's sword strikes Noah, sending him hurtling into a mountain. The relentless assault continues, with boulders cascading, seemingly sealing Noah's fate. Yet, his immortality prevails, and with an indomitable spirit, he breaks free from the crushing embrace of the rocks.

"I'm going to need that key, Vane," Noah declares, determination unyielding.

"You made a mistake accepting Death's deal, Noah. The key no longer serves Death; this world is bound for the void. I can't kill you yet, but you are powerless to stop me. See for yourself."

Vane seizes Noah's arm, ruthlessly slamming him against the ethereal ground before hurling him through various realms. Finally, Noah lands in a town ablaze with infernal flames, unconscious.

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