The Ancient Secret

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As Noah carves a path through the battlefield, Aldric, atop his majestic steed, closes the distance.

“The time has come to put an end to this conflict. Skarn lurks within the ancient Dragonwatch Keep. Unless we confront him, the relentless onslaught of the Voidrakar won't cease. Can you investigate and discover a way to breach its defenses?” Aldric solemnly implores.

“It would be my pleasure," Noah replies, embarking on a thorough inspection of the battlefield. His gaze falls upon a strategically positioned catapult facing the ancient Dragonwatch Keep. Intrigued, he approaches and meticulously examines its components, ensuring its readiness. Noah then shifts his attention to the imposing portcullis guarding the entrance to the ancient keep. His assessment reveals signs of decay, a potential weakness in the fortress.

Returning to Aldric, Noah eagerly shares his findings, proposing a tactical use of the operational catapults to breach the weakened portcullis.

“I think we can use the catapults around here that work to bring down the portcullis,” Noah suggests.

"Aldric, struck by the simplicity of the solution, reflects, 'The answer was right in front of us. Why didn't I think of that before? We brought the catapults to fight against the Voidrakar minions; they would bring down the portcullis in a jiffy.' But before executing the plan, Aldric reveals a crucial piece of information: 'First, I think I should tell you why Skarn is here.'"

“You knew why he brought the Voidrakar to Dragonwatch?” Noah asks, disbelief evident in his tone.

“All Guardians are sworn to protect this secret, but you've proven to be our friend and this village's savior. And I don't think we can do this without you,” Aldric replies.

“I'm listening,” Noah says, his attention fully captivated by the unfolding revelations.

"There is a box hidden inside the Dragonwatch Keep, and inside that box is a very special Dragon egg. It's been kept away there for more than a century, but Skarn found out about it somehow," Aldric reveals, his voice carrying the weight of a long-guarded secret.

Intrigued, Noah leans in, his curiosity piqued. "What's so special about this specific dragon egg?"

"I cannot say anymore without breaking my oath, but Skarn must not get that egg," Aldric responds, his words laden with a sense of urgency.

Determined to safeguard the mysterious Dragon egg, Noah queries, "How do I find this egg?" hoping to ensure its safety in a more concealed location.

"It is hidden by magic, but I'll draw you up a map so you can find it," Aldric offers.

With a swift exchange, Aldric hands Noah a map, setting in motion a quest that goes beyond battles and minions—a quest to protect a century-old secret hidden within the enigmatic walls of Dragonwatch Keep. As Noah sets off, the weight of responsibility and the allure of the unknown propel him forward, the unfolding tale reaching new heights of intrigue and adventure.

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