Saving the Villagers and meeting Gladwin

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As Noah parts ways with Aldric, a flash of red hair catches his eye—a woman, crouched and shielding herself nearby. Without hesitation, he approaches, skillfully tending to her wounds.

"Thank you for saving me. I'm Catherine," she says.

“Make your way back to camp quickly; it's a safe haven,” Noah advises before swiftly turning his attention to the ongoing needs of other villagers.

Amidst the chaos, Noah encounters a swarm of a dozen minions and a man stealthily tucked behind a rock. With calculated finesse, he maneuvers into position, executing the whirlwind move to dispatch them all in one masterful stroke.

“Are you alright?” Noah asks.

“Just a few wounds. I'm Lance, by the way,” the man replies.

“Well, Lance, let me work my patch-up magic.” With those words, Noah tends to Lance's injuries, ensuring he is ready to return safely to the camp.

Having safely escorted Lance back to camp, Noah strides back to Aldric to share the victorious news.

Impressed by Noah's valor, Aldric hands him a pair of sleek wrist plates as a token of appreciation. Eager to test his newfound gear, Noah enthusiastically dons them.

"Head over to Gladwin Larrs, the resident blacksmith; he organizes the survivors and might need your help," Aldric suggests with a twinkle in his eye, hinting at more adventures awaiting Noah in the forge's fiery embrace.

Noah sprints towards the camp, determination in every step. At the entrance, before the sturdy gates, stands Gladwin in front of his hut.

“I'm Noah. Aldric mentioned you might need a hand,” Noah declares.

"Gladwin Larrs. Nice to meet you. You're the one who rescued those two villagers. Thank you, that was my sister and her husband," Gladwin reveals with gratitude.

Noah, fueled by curiosity, asks, "Do you know why the Voidrakar host is here?"

"No, but the guardians have always been interested in Dragonwatch Keep. And when Skarn and the host arrived, they went right for it," Gladwin explains.

"Skarn?" Noah queries, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Yes, he's some kind of magic-using leader of the Voidrakar. One of Vane's chief followers," Gladwin enlightens Noah.

"What makes the keep so special?" Noah wonders.

"Nothing as far as I can see. Just an abandoned pile of rocks. Maybe Aldric can answer that for you," Gladwin suggests.

"No time to dwell. How can I assist you and the villagers first?" Noah asks, ready for action.

"We weren't expecting an attack; we need supplies. You'll find grain and healing potions next to houses," Gladwin informs.

"Got it. I'll bring back as much as I can," Noah declares.

“Before you leave, you need something to carry all that stuff. I've got just the thing for you,” Gladwin says with a mysterious glint in his eye.

“What is it?” Noah asks, curiosity piqued.

Gladwin presents a small, twinkling blue pouch reminiscent of a starlit night. “This is a space pouch, forged with a material said to be from the gods themselves. Originally, it could only hold one thing, but I discovered that if you put gold in it, the space inside expands. Now, it has ninety spots for resources, and some items you can stack. Take it on your journey; it's yours now,” Gladwin explains.

“Thank you, Gladwin,” Noah expresses his gratitude, and with that, he dashes back to the village, armed with his newfound cosmic pouch to gather the essential supplies they need.

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