iii. ( the crash )

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[003]  the crash❛ SAVIOR COMPLEX ❜

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[003]  the crash

[003]  the crash❛ SAVIOR COMPLEX ❜

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Juno's hands jittered as she entered the plane. She had never flown before, hadn't even seen an airplane with her own eyes. It wasn't like her family could afford to have ever been on one anyway.

Lottie noticed the tremor in the blonde girl's limbs. She put a hand on Juno's shoulder for comfort. Juno took a deep breath and nodded in gratitude.

The two girls still had not talked about their kiss last night. Juno didn't even know how to begin. They were both drunk and not thinking straight. Juno was sure Lottie regretted it. Lottie had never even shown any interest in relationships with women in the past, even though Juno was always vocal about the fact that she was a lesbian.

"Wicked," Natalie whispered in awe. She had never been on a plane either from what Juno knew. But Natalie wasn't scared like the blonde girl was. That was always something Juno envied about Nat; she always took things as they were, never afraid of the outcome.

Van walked into the aisle right before Juno did. The redhead was amazed by the sight, loudly gasping in disbelief.

"I can't believe your dad paid for a private plane," Van said to the brunette behind Juno. Lottie showed a look of discomfort on her features at the statement. Lottie's parents were never around, always on business trips or vacationing in exotic places. This left the brunette alone for most of her high school life, which is what made Juno and Lottie's bond so strong. One girl with dead parents, one with absent ones. Perfect match.

Juno's parents had died her freshman year of high school, leaving her brother to pick up the pieces and care for the blonde. Juno remembers it like it was yesterday.

Juno's brother, Arlo, had just picked her up from her and Natalie's after school soccer practice. The two siblings walked into the tiny trailer, laughing about something flippant, as they always did. And there they were. Her parents laid out on the ground, surrounded by powder and needles, not moving. The blonde just stopped in her tracks, blood going cold. Arlo was the exact opposite, running forward and checking their pulses feverishly, tears blurring his vision. He shook them violently, begging them to just wake up. Be alive, be there for them. It was no use. Their bodies were taken away on stretchers by the paramedics and never seen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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