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Lilyy Afia is a 20 year old college student studying at a university 1800miles away from her home, She is pursuing Computer Science to make her dream come true, which is to make an app for women regarding their safety which tracks them and in case of an emergency sends the police force an alert with their address.  

She is in her 6th and final Semester where she does an internship with forbe 50's company. She is extremely accomplished in all areas of her life except one. ✨Romance✨.

"You haven't dated once since you came to college?" Her best friend Ellie screeches in the hallway as they are moving her things into their new flat.

Afia is dumbfounded at how loud her friend, Ellie could be and asks her to quiet down. " I don't have time for dates, Remember what happened during the summer before college? Men are creepy" She gets back to unpacking stuff.

Ellie leaves the room in a hurry and leaves the door hanging and Afia looks at the door and huffs

After unpacking and putting everything where it belongs Afia is finally satisfied with how everything looks and figures she'd need to run to the department store to buy some cute decor and some much needed supplies. It was only 12pm and she had landed early at around 6am, so she figured she could get some coffee and some early lunch and go spend some money. 💲🤑💸

She had worked all summer coding for a company to make some extra cash that would definitely come in handy now. She called Ellie to ask if she wants to go do her errands together and Ellie seemed oddly excited which Afia thought was weird but not unusual.

They first went to a restaurant and ordered burgers and fries "Nothing beats greasy food after a day of super hardwork " Ellie said to which Afia nodded with her mouth stuffed and says "I didn't realise I was this hungry" to which Ellie just snorts and says "You're always hungry babe".

"So about tonight do you have any plans?" says Ellie to which Afia looks skeptical but says "Not really I'm just gonna decorate my room and probably put on a movie, 'Spirited Away' seems nice doesn't it" Ellie just grins and says "but I want to go on a blind date and I'd really love for you to be my +1" Afia looks bored and asks "Didn't you have a boyfriend? What happened to him? Do you want me to kill him?" Ellie Roars with laughter and she picks up one fry and takes a small bite and says "We weren't compatible" and looks a bit sad.

Seeing her best friend being sad was not something Afia likes so she agrees and they both finish their meals and leave to go to Afia's car and as they sit in Ellie Plays their favorite playlist and they both sing their hearts out until they reach the department store.

Ellie sees a dress that's perfect for Afia and she pushes Afia to the trial room and goes into her own cubicle to change and when she comes out she looks at herself and smiles and then Afia comes out and Afia looks like a literal princess.

The mood of their Apartment

The mood of their Apartment

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I hope everyone is having a good start to your new year.


(541 words) 

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