,October 9th 1983,

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As Micheal's friends followed him into the house, they all glanced at Evan who was watching a commercial for the new fredbear plush on the TV, sitting on the floor. The look on Evans face could only be described as a child petrified, he kept his dear fredbear plush near to his chest and closed his eyes tightly. The best way to stop himself from being made fun of was to hold in the tears and stay silent. William (who had been sat on the couch looking at his blueprints for the new animatronic, circus baby) clearly noticed the worry of the child, but decided to ignore it for now. His plan would work eventually, he just had to let them bully Evan and encourage the prank he knew Michael would come up with. It was just a matter of time before all Williams dreams would come true, with some sacrifices of course, that included his family's life.

"Looks like the crybaby got his hands on the plush early, too bad he doesn't have any friends to share it with!" One of the bullies uttered, causing the rest of them to laugh. The thing Evan dreaded most in that moment had happened, tears streamed down his pale face uncontrollably. He began to sob, only making the group's amusement more obvious. But the one person who stood up for Evan, Elizabeth, quickly came to his defense

"Shove off and pick on someone your own size, bastards!" The girl shouted, instantly bringing the attention of her father.

William grabbed the young girl by her arm, "Watch your tongue Elizabeth. But I do agree, Micheal. Now take your annoying friends to your room before I change my mind about having them over." Micheal scowled, though he did listen. If he hadn't, he would probably have been slapped or hit, showing his friends just how weak and defenseless he truly was.

"Whatever. Don't bother me, old man." He grumbled as he led the other boys to his bedroom.

"So, why did you wanna hangout?" Peter asked, randomly straight forward. So much that it made Michael freeze for a moment. "Uhh...mike?" He muttered in a confused voice

"Oh, yeah. I had an idea for the prank we could do on Evans birthday." He grinned, standing in front of his friends. "We could put him really close to fredBear's mouth, it'd scare the living hell out of him and it wouldn't be dangerous enough that my dad would go mental." Mike smirked confidently at his idea, in his mind, it was genius.

Jeremy seemed to have a thought, getting the mischievous look over his face. "How about we take it one step further? You know, make him give fredbear a 'big kiss'."

While the others spared glances at each other and agreed silently, mike looked distraught. "Like...put Evans head in fredBear's mouth?"

"Yeah! It'd terrify the crybaby!"

"No, we can't do that." Micheal replied almost instantly, no doubt in his mind they couldn't do that prank.

Simon quickly asked, questioning mike's reasoning. "What? Why?"

"Because, once when I was younger..." He hesitated before continuing. "I was playing around on the table next to where my dad was building fredbear. When he was talking to Henry, I decided to look inside the animatronics mouth, putting my head inside it. But I had a juice box in my hand, and a few hours later I woke up in the hospital because the spring locks went off." He re-lived the moment in his head over and over again. "Evan'll cry and it will set off the spring locks."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and smirked, "so? He'll be fine! You were fine."

"I-...I guess I can ask my dad if it's safe. If so, maybe we can do the prank."

After hearing those words, the boys smiled and then started to talk and play games like usual.

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