,October 12th 1983,

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//Author's note: I've edited this part a bit since when I wrote this a few years back, it made me cringe reading. I'm not sure this one is much better but I hope that with time and practice my writing will improve! :)//

Eventually, after managing to deceive himself into believing everything would be fine, Micheal knocked gently on his father's office door. Before he could utter a word, the sound of papers being thrown in a drawer echoed through the thin, wooden door.

"You can come in now, Micheal." Williams voice made Micheal jump back, obviously he hadn't been expecting his father to know it was him, but none the less he stood up and hesitantly opened the door to the dimly lit office he had rarely seen, though it had been there for years.

"Father, I-..." Mike stuttered, he wasn't sure how to phrase it so he wouldn't instantly be grounded for a month.

"Spit it out, mike. I don't have all day for your pointless, irritating questions." William snapped, making Mike's heart shatter, but it hurt less since this wasn't the first time his father hadn't held back on the truth. This. This was where the boy's pure hatred for his younger brother had come from, Evan had never been so much as shouted at, let alone the things William did to Micheal. Evan didn't have to act out or rebel to get any attention, the thing Micheal hated most was how easily Evan got love from his father. It had been years since Micheal had even heard the phrase "I love you." coming from his father, but Evan, for some reason, got that everyday. Mike had achieved more academically than his younger brother ever had. While Evan got 50% at best on tests, Micheal got perfect scores, while Evan would come last during sports events, Micheal came first. Yet every time, William wouldn't even look at Mike. He even resembled his father more, having Williams most defining features like his blue eyes or toothy grin. The only thing he didn't have of his father's was his natural, almost-black, hair.

"I wanted to ask a theoretical question, about the spring locks in fredBear and how they'd react to liquid.." William grins from ear to ear, a smile that Michael hadn't seen for years, at least not pointed toward him. The only time he could remember that grin was from before Evan was born, he missed more than anything the times where he and his father had been happy, spending every moment together and never leaving each other's side.

William knew where this was going, it was the first incident that would begin his fatal plan. "First I must ask, what's this for Michael?"

"Me and my friends were just wondering if it would be safe to put a human in fredBear's mouth...? We had a plan to play a prank on someone and they'll probably be crying because they get scared easily."

"Oh, how silly you'd even ask. Of course it's safe! It would be daft if I designed an animatronic for children and I hadn't thought about that. You can do the prank on your friend, it's completely safe, Mikey."

Mike looks almost surprised as he smiles, but not for the reason most would assume, he was just thrilled about his father calling him by the childhood nickname he had given him. "Thanks, dad!"

William almost genuinely smiled. As much as he tried to deny it, he loved all his children, unfortunately not enough to not plan their deaths and lives of immortality. "Now, shoo, mike. You know that I'm busy. Circus baby is almost fixed since that bratty child broke her, but I still have much work to do."

"O-of course father!" He quickly ran out and shut the door, smiling to himself after his father had given him an amount of attention that would seem depressing to most teens his age. Now he knew he could do the prank, nothing was stopping him, maybe he'd even leave Evan alone for the next few days.

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