W2S/Harry Lewis- Love and Marriage

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Harry made no secret of the fact he wasn't a wedding person. There was a room full of lots of people, many he didn't know, there were a lot of arbitrary rules to follow and half of the day didn't appear to be any fun. He dealt with Simon's wedding by getting blind drunk which was the big topic of conversation at the latest Sidecast recording. 

"Vik and I had to physically carry him back to his bed," Josh laughed as Harry sat there clutching his cup of coffee tightly with two hands. 

"What is it about weddings you hate?" Simon asked, wondering if it was anything he did. 

"I..I..It's just a lot, lots of people many of whom you haven't seen in years like there's a reason for that Brenda. It's just a lot of pressure and the thought of making a speech, it's just not for me," Harry admitted leaning forward a little feeling a bit awkward about the whole conversation. 

"Poor Lottie," Tobi commenting referring to Harry's long term girlfriend. Charlotte Andrea Barker to give her full name met Harry in school, he was eleven and annoyingly pointed out her initials spelt cab so teased hereby calling her minicab for the next three years. When they hit their final year at school hormones kicked in and suddenly two people who were only casual friends suddenly finding the other person insanely attractive. It took almost the whole year for Harry to ask Lottie out but he did and they've been together since, nearly eleven years in the making. With them being together so long and now with other Sidemen getting engaged and having children the spotlight was frequently on Harry to up his game. 

Lottie was a very understanding person however, knowing Harry as well as she did for as long as she did meant she got Harry's distain for big public events. He suffered through prom for her and hated every second and vowed never again, she knew how much he hated it so never asked. There were a couple of times when her friends got married and Harry respectfully asked if he could stay home and she granted him the space, other people thought it was weird but that was the way Harry was. To her their relationship wasn't worth compromising something to change him. It was who Harry was, and she loved him warts and all. 

Lottie had a part time job as a hair and make up artist, she worked for herself so got to choose her hours based around Harry's schedule. Due to this and of course her boyfriends fan base she had built up a moderate size following on instagram although if you asked her she wouldn't consider herself an influencer. She did however make sure to keep up with relevant goings on and that did include some Sidemen content. She didn't have plans to listen to this particular podcast but she was sent it and was tagged in clips of it so many times she decided to. As she sat there at home with a cup of tea, their Springer Spaniel dog Ernie by her feet Harry came through the door. 

"I'm sorry about that, they need to learn how to keep their mouths shut," Harry grumbled as he flopped on the sofa. 

"I know I say this every time but I don't expect anything, I don't care what they say. I think it affects you way more than it affects me," Lottie tried to sooth her boyfriend as he placed his head on her shoulder. She placed a hand in his hair and started playing with it, taking some time every now and then to briefly massage his head, Harry groaned. 

"This is my favourite," Harry said with his eyes shut as he enjoyed the touch. 

"I know." Lottie smiled and continued to play with her boyfriends hair. Quite often fans used to compare Harry to a golden retriever and they didn't know how right they were. A true statement about both of those things wad how loyal they both were. That's why Lottie didn't worry so much, she knew she had him. 

After a few minutes Harry had calmed down enough to start talking again. 

"It's not that I don't want to be a husband, I just don't think I can hope with the actual day," Harry explained looking into Lottie's hazel eyes. They were mostly green but had a brown ring around the pupil,  they were the most unique and beautiful eyes he had ever seen. The eyes in question were soft looking, if not a little surprised at Harry's admission. In all the years she had known him, Lottie had never heard him say he wanted to be a husband before. 

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