< After school >

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"Third person pov"

Mafuyu was walking home after a stressful day at school. She had to run some errands for her classmates, discuss something with Ichika, then go to the archery club and talk to Shizuku. It wasn't the easiest day, but it wasn't the hardest one, either. She managed to keep up a smile throughout the whole day anyway, so at least that's a good sign

She went down the street, walking towards her home. Alone. Without anybody else on the street. How convenient would it be if something happened to her? But that would be impossible. Right...?

Well, maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. But anyway, she just kept walking. And walking. And walking. Lost in her own thoughts. Thinking about a bit of everything. Although, one of her thoughts wasn't so pleasant. "Why do I have the feeling that someone's watching me..?" She thought. Mafuyu looked around, but no one was there. Just herself and her own thoughts. So what was that feeling that she had? She wasn't completely sure

From time to time, the girl kept looking around. But to her surprise (or maybe not really), nobody was there. Just the cold wind blowing around her, the sky getting darker and darker each minute passing by. She really couldn't tell why she was feeling this way. She was confused, but she kept walking. And walking. And walking. It felt like an endless loop, but she kept walking.

She turned around a corner of the street. It was almost dark already, and it was as quiet as a mouse. The only sound there was were her own footsteps. Until, she heared something. More footsteps? Maybe she was just overthinking it, but she definitely heared something. Unfortunately, Mafuyu ignored it and started walking again

The footsteps were getting louder.

And louder.

And louder.


She felt somebody grab her hand. She couldn't see who it was. That person was dressed in all black, a hood covering their face completely. They led her to an empty, dark alleyway with no more people in sight. Well, not like there were any people around to begin with.

That person took out a syringe and injected it into her arm. It's unclear what it was, but that made Mafuyu pass out. The last thing she remembered was seeing the syringe, and a small smile on the kidnapper's face. Why did they do this? What made them do this? ...Who were they?

Those were her last thoughts before she blacked out. At first, her vision started going a tiny bit blurry. But then, as the substance kicked in...

She fell to the ground. She didn't feel anything. Nothing at all. But I mean, what did you really expect from an unconscious person?


At 1:00 am, the Nightcord group chat started filling up with messages.

K.: Has anyone seen Mafuyu? She hasn't been responding today, and I need her help with our next song

Amia<3: Hmm...No, I didn't hear from her either. You think she'll be okay?

Enanan!!: She's probably just busy with schoolwork again. What else did you expect from her mother?

Amia<3: True, true

K.: Right. We'll see tomorrow. Anyway, how is your guys' progress so far?

Then the chat was filled with other conversations. Anything you could think of, really. Kanade couldn't keep her mind off of Mafuyu's disappearance though...

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