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Timeskip, at exactly 25:00

"Kanade's pov"

It was 1 am. I went on Nightcord and was the first one to join the call this time. I wonder what Ena and Mizuki meant when they talked about the puppet show...I just hope Mafuyu will be okay

I was alone in the call for a few minutes. Then, Mizuki joined. They seemed to be wearing that new dress they talked about in the group chat

"Heyy, Kanade!" Mizuki spoke up and smiled. "Have you seen the announcement about that puppet show? The one going on in the museum where Mafuyu is..."

"I saw your chats with Ena about it. When will they be hosting it?" I asked

"Tomorrow! At around 4 pm, I think. We should come and see. We might also get some clues to help Mafuyu, hehe"

"Right. We need to go there. For Mafuyu's sake..."

"Yeah, I gotta say, I'm pretty worried about her...but she should be fine, right? We'll definitely save her!"

"Of course. We have to..."

"Anyways, should we bring something to the puppet show? Just in case we get in some kind of trouble or something. Definitely not because I have a bad feeling about all this haha.."

"I'll think about it. But...I'll make sure to download the song I made for her to my phone and make her listen to it. Maybe then she'll finally speak up about the situation..."

"Great! Anyways-"

Ena has joined the call

"Hi! Sorry for being a bit late. I was drawing and slowly lost track of time" she said, smiling in an apologetic way

"Enanan!!! You're here! Hi!" Mizuki seemed awfully happy

"Have you two already talked about the puppet show? We should probably go and see what'll happen there. We still need to save Mafuyu somehow.." Ena asked

"Yes, we have. We decided to go there and save Mafuyu. I'll download the song I made for her, so that maybe she'll talk to me..." I said, a slight smile on my face

"Great! I'll come with you guys. Apparentaly, this puppet show is the first one in that museum so far. Maybe it'll be somewhat interesting?" Ena said

"Maybe?? I dunno, we'll just have to see for ourselves" Mizuki replied, a smile on their face

"Alright. How about you guys tell me your opinion on the song? I'm not too sure how much it will help..or if it will help at all. I just want to see what you two think" I said, my face turning back to it's neutral expression

"Sure" the both of them spoke, a slight excitement in their voices. So I did what I was supposed to do. I sent the song file in the group chat

After that, well...not much happened. They both told me their opinions - Ena liked it, and so did Mizuki. They both praised the song occasionally, but that's about it. So the next thing we discussed? The plan on how to rescue Mafuyu

"How about we come watch the puppet show, then when nobody's looking, we take Mafuyu off of the stage and run away or something?" Ena suggested

"Eh, maybe. But I don't know if that'd be possible. Althoughh, A for creativity, Enanan~" Mizuki smiled at the idea

"I don't think I'll be able to make a run for it...plus, I'm pretty sure she'll be attached to strings for the puppet show, so we'd have to get rid of the person controlling her.." I said

So that's one idea out of the way

"Hmm...ooh, how about we dress up as the other dolls and pretend to dance along during the puppet show, and THEN we'll make a run for it??" Mizuki's eyes lit up as they said that



"...I think we should stick to the song by itself--"

&quot;Puppet Show&quot; | KanaMafuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz