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Timeskip, the next day at Kanade's house

"Kanade's pov"

Ever since that incident, I made sure to stay with Mafuyu at all times. She stays with me in my house, and we do everything together. I make music for her and give her some much needed comfort, while she helps me with some other daily tasks. Recently, she teached me how to speak English a little better, so that we can include some English lyrics in our up and coming songs. She seemed to be really proud of my progress aswell...

I also decided that it would be the best option to sign Mafuyu up for therapy. I know that she's never been too interested in getting help, since she thinks she's a lost cause, but I didn't listen. I think that especially after the marionette museum accident she should get some help. She's been there a few times already, and I think I'm seeing a bit of a change everytime she returns home. I also like to walk there with her, so that she knows that I'm there for her aswell

Right now, we are cuddling on my bed while watching some kind of movie. I didn't seem to pay much attention the name though...

"Mafuyu, what's the name of this movie?" I asked, looking over at her

"This is some kind of movie about Five Nights at Freddy's...my classmates mentioned it a few days ago, so I thought we could give it a try" Mafuyu shrugged as she answered

"Alright, thank you" I said as I kissed Mafuyu's forehead

Fnaf, huh? I've heared a bit about it online...maybe this movie will inspire me a bit so that I know what kind of music I could make next. I should ask Mafuyu what she thinks of it later

Suddenly, as we were in the middle of watching the movie, the doorbell rang. I was a bit surprised, cause almost nobody ever visits me, unless it's Honami when she's supposed to take care of me...

"It's probably the new brand of ramen that I ordered for you...can you go check the door, or would you like me to go with you?" Mafuyu said, looking up at me

"I think it should be fine...as long as nobody's at the door, and the package won't be too heavy for me to carry, I should be able to get it by myself...Unless you want to go with me, of course" I said, smiling at her

"Alright then. I'll wait for you here, and pause the movie for you" she smiled back slightly, pausing the movie

So I left the room, and headed towards the door. As I opened it, I saw what was outside. It was, indeed, a package. It must be that new ramen brand that Mafuyu ordered for me. That was really sweet of her, and I really appreciate the thought

As I took the box back to my room, I sat it down on the bed, next to Mafuyu

"I want to open this together...I want you to see my reaction, and I want you to know that I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, even when you've been through so much...so I hope to do the same for you" I said, looking at Mafuyu

"..I see. I'm glad that you're happy..." She replied, looking back at me

As I opened the box, Mafuyu looked at it curiously. I'm not sure what she was thinking of it, but I opened the box in front of her so that she could see the condition of the "ramen"...

...Wait, this isn't ramen...

When I opened the box, there was nothing but some...type of cloth on the exact bottom of the package?

I quickly took it out, realising what it was...it was the dress that Mafuyu wore back in the museum...

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