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"Third person pov"

"Ugh! So annoying!" Ena started the conversation, as the three of them were walking down the streets. "Not only did we not find anything at all, I didn't even get to take pictures yet!"

"Mafuyu...she.." Kanade cut herself off before she could end the sentence. She didn't want to think of the worst case scenario yet

"What happened to her, anyway? How did she get stuck in that museum?" Mizuki asked

"She must've been kidnapped or something.." Kanade answered, with a slightly nervous tone

"Yeah, no doubt" Ena said. "How do we get her out of there? We've been looking there for at least 4 hours!"

Mizuki shrugged. "Let's break in"

"Huh?" The other two asked

"We already walked away though..." Kanade reminded the rest

"Who said we have to do it today?"

"Yeah, no. We're not doing that yet" Ena said. "Any other...less weird ideas?"

"Let's just meet up here tomorrow too...We can try figuring something out through Nightcord" Kanade suggested. The other two nodded

"Great idea then. I gotta go though. See you later!" Mizuki said, before they ran off

"I probably should get going too. See you on Nightcord, Kanade!" Ena started walking away too. Kanade was left alone going home


As Kanade got back home, she quickly ran into her room to think of other things they could do to help Mafuyu

Then she thought of something..Would a song help?

Let's be for real now - no the hell it won't. But it's worth a try, I guess

She sat at her desk, trying to compose a new song. She didn't know if it would work, but she had hope. So she kept composing, and composing, and composing...

Until 1:00 am came. She got on Nightcord once again. When she joined, only Ena was there

"Oh, hey Kanade! You're here earlier than last time" she said, a smile on her face

"I just noticed the time..Where's Mizuki? I need both of your opinions on something.." Kanade answered, looking at the member list in the call

"Oh, them? They said they're gonna join a bit later"



"Fair enough..do you know when they'll be done though?"

"No idea. Should be pretty soon"

That's exactly when Mizuki joined the call. They seemed to be happy about their finished animation

"Speak of the devil..." Ena mumbled, chuckling a bit to herself

"I'm here! Sorry if I took too long, hehe" Mizuki said, smiling

"Great. I need your opinion on something. Both of you" Kanade spoke up once again

"Ooh, really? What is it?" Mizuki's eyes sparkled with excitement. Somehow, they seemed a bit too happy

"So...you remember how back in sekai I made a song for Mafuyu, right?"

"Right" Both Mizuki and Ena agreed

"...How about I make another song for her, and then she'll go back to her normal self to tell us what happened?" Kanade suggested

"Are you sure this will work though? It seems pretty unlikely" Ena said, a bit shocked by the idea

"I'm not sure. But it's worth a try...right?"

"Maybe. Do you have an idea what kind of song it should be?"

"Not really. But I'll figure something out"

"Alright, if you say so..."

And then, once again, their conversation started going in a different direction. They kept talking about everything, and also nothing, if that makes sense. Until it was finally time for the other two to get off, Kanade continued composing. She took inspiration from the things she knew that Mafuyu liked, like aquariums, for example. She put in little fish and water sounds into the song, and other tiny details that she thought would make Mafuyu happy. This continued for a while, until she finally finished composing the song. It was maybe around...4 am?

Kanade didn't feel tired yet, so she went to make herself a bowl of cup noodles

&quot;Puppet Show&quot; | KanaMafuWhere stories live. Discover now