Chapter 3

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Bristlefrost was dreaming again. The same dream. Always. The vague yellow shape was walking closer and closer to her. Come on! Bristlefrost willed it closer. But the shape stopped. Like every dream, it never came close enough for her to see. Yes, the dream was coming to a close. Was it? The landscape started changing, and the yellow shape started to vanish. She lunged towards it, her outstretched paws coming closer and closer. 

But no.

Not yet. 

She found herself in a beautiful, grassy meadow. The bright blue sky above her was cloudless, and Bristlefrost could feel the warm greenleaf sun warming her pelt. A gray tom stood in front of her. She didn't have the slightest idea as to who this cat was. She backed up, suddenly wary of this stranger. He looked friendly enough, but she could sense a powerful air to him.  

He gave her a sad smile. "I thought you would make more of this life we gave back to you." He mewed.

"What life? Who are you? Where am I?" She asked him, backing up a few more paces. 

The tom sighed. "I thought you would've gotten better by now." He said. "I'm Graystripe." 

Bristlefrost didn't recognize that name. She thought she could see the tom realizing something. 

"Mouse dung." He grumbled. "I forgot." Graystripe stepped closer to her. She backed up, still wary of this strange tom. He softened a bit. "Don't worry, I don't have any intention of harming you." 

Bristlefrost was still a little skeptical, but decided to trust him. After all, he was the only cat she had seen in days. 

Graystripe came forward, and touched his muzzle lightly to the top of her head. Suddenly, all her memories came rushing back to her. How had she forgotten the clans? Her mother, father, and littermates came rushing back to her. Bristlefrost's whole life came rushing back. Most importantly, she remembered Rootspring. She remembered his sky-blue gaze catching hers. Bristlefrost remembered her love for him. 

Graystripe smiled at her. "It is time," He said. "You will go back to the clans."

Word count: 349

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