The Killer??

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"had you chosen your activities? ", asked ishan and sat on chair .

"yes", shubhman said while walking towards the door.

"wait dude, you didn't filled your form , i'll give you ! , said ishan and took some forms from almirah .

" sit down please, or you are scared of me??", said ishan with smile.

shubhman sat there , fills the forms and gave back to ishan. ishan looked at the forms and said : " so you choose music , really a soft boy! " .

        " soft or hard, you can't tell just to see someone . am going to my class, and  yeah! , one more thing ' , i will not tell anyone about you😊😊! okay??. said shubhman and walked out from there.

"you think i care ?", said ishan .

     Ishan always looks like a cute and sweet boy, has a great heart ; but why he behaves like this ??, is he really a bad boy or he is  pretending to be ??. ohh! so confusing! . said shubhman while walking towards the class.

Yuveer : ohh! so , how's the meeting with your boy ??

shubhman : 😡😡if you don't stop your nonsense , i'll kill you ! . 

Yuveer : you started talking like  ishan !, are you gay??, is he also ga..
. (he stopped speaking when shubhman walks closer to him ).

shubhman : i promise , if you say anything bad about him , am gonna kill you right now.  "its not easy to kill people", said Yuveer and walked off.

after school,
shubhman standing at the entrance and waiting for his grandmother .
"hey , wanna ride with me ??", asked ishan while wearing his helmet.

"No ", said shubhman and stands far from him. "okay ", said ishan and sits on his bike.

after 15 mins ,
" are you sure ??, am going now", said ishan and starts the bike.

"fine , i'll come with you", said shubhman and sat on the bike , put his hands on ishan's shoulder. Ishan took the hands from shoulder and put on his waist. shubhman grabbed his shirt and sits close to him. He is smelling ishan's fragrance and couldn't stop himself to sniffing  into his neck . His hands started moving around ishan's umbilicus. ishan feels tickles and   said to shubhman ; don't play with me , you will regret if i start  .

they arrived at shubhman's house . "thank you ! ", shubhman said while going in , he stopped and turned , " how do you know my address?? . asked shubhman.

ishan laugh a lil. and answered : "you wrote it , in the activity form".
"hey !, don't think i spy on you !, i have more important works", he shouts,  shubhman heard his words but didn't turned .

"now i have to meet that Yuveer ! i'll show him that whats the meaning of bad !, ishan said and went from there.

shubhman heard ishan's voice and the words that ishan said just now. shubhman came out from his house and looked for ishan but didn't found him. "how can i hear his words from so far ??, i really heard it  or its just my mind messing up with me. leave it ! am hungry now. he went back to into his house.

  Next morning , At school entrance ,

a lots of media is standing there. they are covering some news , don't know what??.

'i think they are not allowed to go into the school", said ishan and parked his bike. he went towards the gate while looking at them , he bumped into someone and fell down .

"aawwoo! , are you blind ?, can't you se..(looked up at the person) , ohh! shubh! (shubhman gave a hand to make him stand).

"do you know why there is media in front of our school??, asked ishan .

shubhman : they are here to arrest you , you bullied other students .

ishan : i never did that ! 😊😊am so innocent ! look ,

Shubhman : yeah ! you are the most innocent boy in the world

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Shubhman : yeah ! you are the most innocent boy in the world .

Ishan :ohh! , you have very clear eyes , do you know 🤭🤭🤭??. so its your first day, right ??

shubhman :  you are okay naa?? , its my third day at school.

Ishan : i mean, first day  for study! .

shubhman : let's go inside !

ishan : were you waiting for me ?? .

shubhman : yes ! i don't know anyone other than you .

they both went to the ground floor ,  there is very big crowd of students , everyone is talking about something serious , they all looking shocked.

ishan : whats going on there ??.

shubhman : let's go and see .

they crossed the crowd and saw a person lied on the floor and coverd with white cloth , some policemen is talking with teachers . the nurse removed the cloth from person's face , "that person is Yuveer , who is dead now ! ".

the nurses took his dead body and went to the ambulance , parked at the back door of school.

everyone is shocked to see it , but , one student is smiling sarcastically while looking at the dead body .

"what's wrong with him ??, why is he smiling in this situation ??? , shubhman thinking in his mind and looking at ishan .

shubhman dragged him to the play ground and stands in front of ishan with confusion .

"are you happy that he is dead??, why are you smiling ???, did... you ... ... ...  ..... killed him..???, asked shubhman with frustration and anger .

" yes", i am happy ! , he deserves to be dead !",  said ishan with a satisfactory smile.
Ishan : and for your second question ,  you should salute the killer ,
ohh !, heads off to you the killer !.

shubhman :  But who is The Killer !.

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