You have emotion, it's normal to feel that way

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I'm suppose to be asleep bit I'm bored lol so don't except good grammare like always

Tw: trauma (If that's one) panick attack ? SH (self-harm) scars, loss of loved one

Diane P.O.V

I look at my lap to see that King was laying on it, he was asleep, he was very adorable when he was alseep. I stroke his hair gently not wanting to wake him up in his peaceful sleep. I could hear him snor as he move a little closer to me holding my waist tightly.

I chukle at the gesture and smile slightly. I start to caress his cheek when I feel something falling on my fingers. I look at what it was to see...water ?

I look at his face and see that he was crying slightly. Maybe he's having a nightmare ? He never told me about his nightmare ? Is that why he spend most of his day asleep ? Cause he cannot sleep at night ?

I start to get worried for him and lay him on my chest resting his head in my neck making sure to not hurt him or touch him in inappropriate places without wanting to. He nuzzle in my neck still crying, but he was crying harder then before.

I went back to stroke his hair gently still not trying to wake him up but more trying to reassure him. I lean closer to his face and gently kiss forehead before leaning closer to his ear and whisper sweet thing in it.

"Shhh, everything is alright Harlequin, it's only a little nightmare alright ? You're safe." I though that would calm him down and it seem like it did, well for a short time.

He suddenly wake up and let out a loud scream, I look at him completely shocked as he hold his head in his arms trying to hide his face from me, but his breathing was heavy and no matter how hard he tries to hide it I could still hear him.

I make him look at me and see that he really was in a panicked state, he couldn't breath properly and it's even if he could hear me talking to him. I sigh and pull him in a hug gently patting his head.

"Harlequin..." I take his hand gently in mine and with my free hand I make him look at me. "Listen to me carefully and concentrate on my breathing alright ?" He nodded, seem like he heard me.

"Great, 1,2 inhale." I inhale and he did the same. "You're doing wonderful, 1,2 exhale." He did so but it still hasn't calm down yet so I did it over and over again until he start to breath normally.

"Good, I'm going to be sure of something alright ?" He nodded again still crying and trying his best to understand what I was saying.

"Good, please name 5 thing you can see." He look around the room before looking at again.

"I...I can see you...The..the wall behind you...Y..your hand and the door...that...that's all..I'm sorry..." He apologies holding closer as if it was to reassure himself. I stroke his hair again gently and smile.

"That's fine ! Even if you couldn't name 5 thing you're still able to at least see something and that's already great !" I tried to cheer him up a little and it like it worked a little.

"Okay, can you name 4 thing you can hear ?" I continue. He looked focused for a moment before responding to me.

"I...I can hear your vouce and..and the wind !" He started, "I...I can also hear the bird sing... singing through the..window..?" he continue, "And..and I can hear something downstairs..." He finally finished.

"You're doing absolutely great my dear, now 3 thing you can smell ?" I finally ask him, this will be theast thing I'll ask him.

"I...I can your perfume...I...I can also" He looked a little confuse, I then remember thag before he fall asleep on my lap I wanted to give him some flowers and I had completely leave them on the bed next to us.

"Yes my love that's normal." I try reassuring him. I gently caress his hand before looking at him in the eyes. He was still sad from the nightmare and a little panicked but I could tell that he had calmed down and was less panicked then before.

He gently hug me and nuzzle in my neck again, his cheeks were bright red of embarrassement. I smile, my own cheeks becoming red too and gently rub circle on his back. I ask him if he wanted to talk about his nightmare and he told me that it was about when he find his forest in ashes and his sister dead body.

He also told me that he was scared that because of that his siser hated him and that she doesn't see him as a brother anymore and he began to sob a little in my arms.

"I...I know I should be strong ! I..I'm the fairy king after all...yet I'm a crybaby.." he look away from me like he was embarrassed of himself. I stroke his hair and reassure him.

"You're not a crybaby, being you have emotions that's not the same." I told him taking his head. "It's completely fine to feel what you're feeling, that you're a teen a child or even an adult, you can still fee like that cause we all have feelings Harlequin."

He look at me bot excepting this, it's like he waw waiting for me to yell at him and told him how immature and a crybaby he was. Like I would do that. I kiss his cheek and pull him in another hug.

"Let all you're emotion out my dear, be angry, be sad, have hatred for someone be in rage I don't care, just let everything out. Don't bottle it up." And with that he start to cry and scream in pain, it was as if someone was stabbing him and that hurted me inside, but I was happy that he was expressing his feelings.

Some minutes pass and he had stom crying now. He look at me before asking me if he could go change in his pajama. I chuckle telling him that he didn't needed to ask me to change his cloth and so he kiss my cheek and left the room to change.

When he kiss my cheek they both went completely red. He doesn't kiss me often cause he's scared of rejection so seeing that he was confident enough to kiss me make me happy. Maybe he was startingtl believe in himself ? I hope so...

When he come back he had a hoodie on and a short. I could see some scars on his legs and he look away ashamed. I directly understand that he didn't wanted to talk about it and I respect his decision.

I sit on the bed and pat that place next to me, he lay down next to me before resting his head in my neck and pull his legs around my waist as one of his hand was on my stomach. I smile seeing him getting into a cuddle position and gently stroke his hair.

"Night Diane..." He say aw he kiss my lips before going to the dept of sleep. I went deep red again but soon calm down and return the kiss but on his cheek.

"Good night Harlequin." I was about to fall sleep too when I hear someone knocking on the door. " You can open !" I whisper half yelling not wanting to wake him up when he just went to sleep.

I see that Ban had open and he had a concern look on his face.

"I hear King crying so I decide to check it ou as soon as possible." He said, he may not show it well but he really do care for Harlequin. He just have his way to show him.

"He's fine now don't worryw you can go back to work."

"Take good care of him or his sister will haunt you down !" He said teasing before leaving. I giggle at the joke and look at Harlequin that was sleeping peacefully.

"I love you my fairy king..."

Malewife King x Girlboss DianeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora