A memory

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Diane P.O.V

It's been almost months now that almost all the sins and I are together again. The only one misskng was Escanor right now. Either way everyone was here.

The captain was talking with Ban while he was cooking, Elizabeth was taking some order from the customers so was Gowther. Merlin was in the village for 'some research' she said. And King...I don'y know where he is.

He's probably outside to try not to work or something like that. After all the captain often annoy him so that he could help in the tavern. Since he didn't wanted to wear the tavern outfit well he would often run away or just hide somewhere.

I chuckle slightly at that though, the captain told me I wasn't forced to work because I wasn't feeling very well. I was starting to have a little fever I think. It didn't bother me though but the captain still wanted me to rest at least for a day.

It was kinda annoying cause I wanted to be useful and hated not doing anything but the captain didn't wanted to hear excuses so right now I was just sitting on a chair watching everyone working.

King P.O.V

I had decided to go outside in the village so that I wouldn't work. I really didn't felt like working right now and just wanted to chill honestly. So I was just going around the village until I spot a shop with some tissues and I got an idea as I remembered something.

I look in my pocket and see that I had some money with me. So I enter the shop and went to buy some tissues. After all today was a special day for me at least.

After that I went back to the tavern and directly into my room, I didn't even let the captain start speaking and just lock myself in my room making chastifol blocking the door so that no one would enter.

I took a dummy that I hided in my closet and took some deep breath. I wanted to do it, as a memory of him.

I took the tissues I had and started my work. I knew it would usually takes me alot of times that's why I decided not to take any breaks so that it would prbably be quicker. And as I though it was night now and I was already half finished. I took everything with me and went outside and continue there.

I didn't wanted anyone to know about it so I did it without anyone knowing and I continued and continued until the next day in the afternoon. I was exhausted but at least I was finished. I smiled at my work and took the outfit before wearing it.

It looks kinda good on me I won't deny it. Just looking at it bring me back a lot of memory so I decided to do something. I decided to went to the grave I had made him. Even if his body couldn't be inside because of me, after all I'm the one that turned him to ashes.

I sat in front of the grave, tears were already rolling down my cheeks. But I tried to ignore it.

"Hey, it's been a while asn't it?" I said with a smile. "I miss you a lot..." I caress the grave softly and sit next to it, letting my head rest on it. "Happy birthday Helbram..." I whisper softly before I close my eyes. They were too heavy and I fall asleep not that long after.

Diane P.O V

"Captain have you seen King ?" I ask him, he looks at me and shake his head.

"No I haven't seen him." He said. "I tried talking to him yesterday but he lock himself in his room, Ban tried to open the door but it was like something blocked the door." He finished before going back to work.

That worried me even more. Maybe hewas just outside again ? I went to his room to find any clue and see that he had left his chastifol here. I got even more concern now. I hope he's alright...

I then went outside the tavern to go look for him. He was either in the village, or in the forest. I went to the village first and ask everyone that I would see if they had saw him but nobody knew where he had gone.

The last option was the forest and I quickly run there not wanting to waste any times. I run and run until I saw him next to...a grave ? I look at the name on the grave and understood. Oh King...

I want to him and see that he had different cloth then usual. It was alike as what his friend wore when we were fighting him.

I shake him slowly and he woke up, his eyes were still a bit teary and he looked at me still half asleep.

"Diane..?" He asked, I nodded.

"Yes it's me King." I answered with a smile on my face. He smile back softly and look at the grave next to him. I could tell that he didn't wanted to leave for the moment. "Do you want me to stay with you ?" I asked, he look at me abd nod slightly before laying down on my chest.

"It's Helbram birthday today..." He says. "Can we get him sunflowers..? It's his favorite flower..." He said. I nod soflty and helped him get up and we went to look for some sunflowers together. He was holding my hand slightly. I giggle at it. He was so shy it was adorable.

After some times I feel him stopped and I stopped as well.

"Here..." He say pointing out at some sunflowers. He let go of my hand and went to collect them. After he did so he came back to me and nodded. I took back his hand and we went back to the grave.

He place the flowers in front of the grave and sit in front of it again. I sit next to him and continue to hold his hand for qome comfort. He start holding it tightly and start to cry once again.

I pull him in a hug and start rubbing his back softly. He really missed him and I knew it. Fate can be so cruel sometimes...

"It's alright King...he can't suffer anymore..." I said, still rubbing his back softly. Some minutes pass and he had finally calm down. I look at the grave and then look at King again with a smile. "I'm sure he's proud of you." I said.

"I hope so..." He said with a little smile.

"Happy birthday Helbram.." we both said together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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