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I sat there in the silent room, along with the prettiest one of my juniors. We talked until she dragged me out to a concealed place outdoors to watch the quiet stars.

Hours flew by like the midnight wind, and before it could hit us, midnight was a while away.

Kocho and I sat, staring at the stars from the grassy plains. 

"I just wish," She'd told me, "that I could somehow support my mother and sisters. I wish it would happen right this moment, so we could escape from this witch and her family." 

I never knew such a stubborn person could open up to people. Maybe it was in her genetics.

But I was different.

I could never share my personal dreams and family business with anyone, no matter how close I was with them.

People often called me spoiled. 

It was hurtful. I've learned to ignore it.

Because to them, I was just another rich child with a rich father to provide everything for me. I was always the one who had it all. The one who didn't have to worry about what I eat or wear each day. 

But to my sister, I was so much more.

Mother died giving birth to me, according to my nannies. It tarnished my reputation more. Father ignored both my sister and I. But Tsutako felt different about the situation. 

Instead of my father, she took care of me. She held my hand when I was scared at night. She stood up for me when my classmates bullied me. 

I learned to be strong, though I hated it. It wasn't in my genetics, nor did I have that personality since birth. 

It was all Tsutako's perseverance that taught me. And that perseverance killed her. 

It was all her courage. Her bravery saved many that night. The night was as dark as this one. Except stars were incapable of being seen. 

That night she was dragged to a local party by her friends. And it wasn't a strange party. There was no champagne, no beer, no alcohol. 

Suddenly an unknown man, sober with wine, entered the building, carrying a gun. He vociferously whispered to himself "Kill All".  

He slaughtered a first, then another, until my sister had enough. She hurriedly told her friends to hide, then grabbed a mask with a sharp side. 

Worthily, she lured the man over with her charm. When she knew she had him around her fingers, she pretended to touch his cheek-- only to use the sharp end of the mask to cut him. 

As the man winced in pain, she swiftly grabbed the gun, positioning it to his forehead. 

Right as she was about to pull the trigger, a knife was launched at her. And that night, she courageously ended an imposter. But she too couldn't dodge the knife. 

The hour she died was the hour I began to despise the courage she taught me. 

"I will give a hundred people to get nee-san back." I muttered that day. 

People around me called me naïve and were horrified. I knew deep down the thought was naïve. 

But what stung the most was father's effortless reply. He simply frowned for a second, then ordered his butler to prepare a funeral. A funeral he didn't bother to attend. 

It scarred me forever. And I knew that I was alone.

*Shift, shift*

Just then I snapped back to reality. I was still in the field Kocho had led me to previously. 

She was asleep, peacefully in a nighttime reverie. Something I could never.

"I'm sure you'll achieve your dreams, Kocho." I muttered,  "Just don't end up like me."

I stood up, proceeding to leave.


Sorry guys! This is short, but it's my new comeback! I'll write longer next time.

(I still have to figure out the plot)

Bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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