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After careful consideration the group of people including Alec decided to send the letter.
( The letter is above but for safe measure I'll put it below too 😁).

The last bell rang and all the students came rushing out of classes and out to lockers and whatnot

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The last bell rang and all the students came rushing out of classes and out to lockers and whatnot. Alec looked over his shoulder and frowned his face stiffening at a certain red haired boy. Alec couldn't describe his hatred towards the boy but he just had always disliked him.

Alec disliked everything about him the way he dressed, the sound of his voice, his name, and especially the fact he's gay. Kuro had come out as gay to the school after two months of girls hitting on him. This only fueled Alec more that kuro was gay because he believed that gay men were  abominations that couldn't do anything other than screw up everything.

Kuro looked around and sneezed after Alec mentioned his name but he shrugged it off. Kuro walked down the steps at the front of the school and stopped short to talk more to a certain blonde. Kuro smiled subconsciously and waved to him "Jax Hey over here!" Kuro walked a little towards him.

Jax looked behind him at kuro and put a lollipop in his mouth and turned towards him. He brushed a strand of his fluffy blonde hair out of his face as he looked up at the taller boy who's now right in front of him. Kuro looked at his eyes for a second before smirking "your shoe is untied shorty" Jax quickly felt embarrassed and scrambled to tie his shoe.

Jax is now knelt down trying to tie his shoe but struggles as he takes his lollipop out of his mouth he finally gets his shoe tied. He smiled to himself triumphantly before looking up to see he's face to face with the front of kuro's pants. Jax nervously backs up and stumbled a little "i-i'm sorry I just-" Jax stopped talking as he saw kuro's face.

Kuro was laughing sweetly at Jax while the sun started to set it shown bright orange and pinks that contrasts both boys features. They look at each other laughing at how silly they were acting. After the laughs died down both boys looked at each other in the eyes while admiring the others face. Kuro stepped closer to Jax and reached his hand down to help him up while breaking Jax's trance.

Jax took kuro's hand and stood up while looking down at the concrete and studying the cracks and dirt in it. Kuro used his free hand too pull Jax's chin up to face him making Jax step closer. They stood there and looked into one another's eyes as kuro took the lead and gently leaned in towards him. Jax felt his breath hitch as he let kuro get closer to his lips Jax looked down at kuro's nearing lips 'i wonder how soft they are...' he found himself thinking.


Cliffhanger like always! Anygays I am so sorry if I had offended anyone or triggered them with Alec and his homophobic actions and thoughts 😭but I need that part so I can write his background later on😙!! Thanks for reading and understanding this I'm so sorry about the cliffhangers 🌝 but it leaves the element of surprise for the next chapters. Also there will be another person joining the main people soon 🧍!!! And there will be a character face reveal coming up so don't miss it😻🤌👹

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