Let's go to another year at Hogwarts

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I woke up in my bed as usual, I turned my head to see if my brother was awake or not. I saw him still asleep, so I decided to stare at the ceiling, after all, it wasn’t that bad, to stare at the ceiling. The Dursley’s ceiling is not as pitiful as they are. Suddenly I heard Aunt Petunia scream my name followed by my brother’s. Unfortunately, my peace moment has been shortened. I stood up and came to my brother’s bed. This log was asleep even with our aunt’s high-pitched voice.
- “Harry! Harry, wake up! Our dear aunt called us!
- “Hmmm…. Mary……, I don’t want to wake up, how much days are left before the start of the school year?
- “Keep going, only two days left! Only two days left to support them!
- “Two days?! That’s too long! How are we going to support this terrible family for two days still!
- “That’s not that long, we’ll be back at Hogwarts soon! Plus, we have still our luggage’s to pack. Now get up or else she’s going to scream louder, and our ears won’t recover “
He finally stood up and we get downstairs to go to the kitchen. As usual Uncle Vernon was sitting at the table with his coffee and his newspapers, Dudley was eating, like ninety percent of the time and Aunt Petunia was cooking more food for her pork. When we arrived, except Dudley, they all acted like we weren’t there, and it was for the best. We quickly ate our breakfast and came back in our room. I decided to prepare my luggage. Harry suddenly spoke:
- “Who are you looking forward seeing when we’ll get back to school?
- “I don’t know, maybe Draco, I really missed him, you know, he’s like my second brother! And I know that you don’t really like him, but I already told you that I don’t care if you like him or not, he’s my best friend and you won’t change anything. But I also missed Hermione, Theo, and Mattheo.
- “You…
- “I know what you are going to say, that you don’t really like Theo and that you almost hate Mattheo, but, first, Theo’s my boyfriend and I love him, even if you don’t like him for any reason. And second, Mattheo is one of my friends, and his last name doesn’t matter to me.
- “But, Mary, his last name matters! You can’t deny it! Mary! His last name’s ‘’Riddle’’, he is Voldemort’s son! He is the son of the man who killed our parents, if we are stuck here with those awful people, it’s because of his father! If you don’t remember our parents at all it is because of his father!
- “I already told you Harry, that he’s not like his father, he is the opposite of him, here’s a proof, he’s in Gryffindor with us! Is that not efficient evidence for you? I don’t want to talk about that right now, we already had this conversation multiple times since he came to school last year!”
Suddenly, I found myself weak, my head was spinning, I remember that I felt on my knees, and everything went black. I woke up lying down on the floor with Harry who was kneeling beside me.
- “Mary! Are you okay? Can you hear me? Mary, please wake up!
- “Calm down, not so loud please. What happened? Did I faint again?
- “Yes, you fainted again, I told you not to overwork yourself! How and how long did you sleep last night?
- “I woke up a little earlier than you, but don’t worry, I am fine.
- “You’re not, you are the one lying down and I am the one who can stand up without needing help. So no, you are not okay, you need to rest.
- “But…
- “No buts! I am the older brother; I decide what is the best for you right now! So, I want you to go to bed and rest until you can stand up without help.”
I reluctantly agreed but I knew he was right. I was weak and I needed to rest. So, with Harry’s help I stood up and went lying on my bed. Then, little by little, I found myself close my eyes and fall asleep.
When I woke up, it was dark in our room, “Maybe I slept until the night” thought I. I turned around and I saw Harry sleeping. When he was asleep, he always looked like a child. I decided to sleep until the dawn.
Familiar voices woke me up. It was Fred and George’s. I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was their faces very close to mine. I screamed and threw my pillow to the one who was, unfortunately for him, the closest to me.
- “What in the hell are you doing in my room? You weren’t supposed to arrive until tomorrow!
- “But Sleeping Beauty if we had arrived tomorrow, we would have missed the train to Hogwarts! “, said Fred,
- “Yes, you slept for two days now!’’, carried George on,
- “What are you saying, we can’t be the 1st of September! I can’t have sleep for two days! “, I said.
But they were true! That wasn’t good news for me: I needed to get dressed, and pack my things, and.… I had so many things to do!
- “Relax sis’, said Harry when he came in, I already prepared your luggage, and I packed all your things! All you need to do is to get dressed and we’ll leave for King’s Cross. Am I not the best brother?
- ‘’You are! What would I do without you?
- “Probably nothing!”
We all laughed as the other members of the Weasley family were coming in with Hermione.
- “Hermione! I missed you so much!
- “I missed you too! How were your holidays? she asked me.
- "Oh, you know, like every summer at Privet Drive. Boring, annoying, and useless. How were yours?
- “They were cool, we went in Wales, we hiked, and we saw breathtaking views and landscapes.
- “That sounds amazing! But, anyway, I need to get dressed, so, if you please don’t mind, I would like to have a little intimacy.”
On that, I chased them all from off the room and I get dressed.
When I came out, I joined the others in the living room, and we were ready to leave. The Weasleys had bring a new car, apparently land from the Ministry of Magic.
- “Everybody, jump in, we are running late! “, said Mrs Weasley. “If you don’t want to miss the train, we need to leave now. Mary, are you ready darling?
- “Yes, I am Mrs Weasley!
- “Fine, so let’s go!” said Mr Weasley,” Mr, and Mrs Dursley, it was a pleasure”
Harry and I laughed seeing the discomfit face of the Dursleys. Anyway, we jumped in, and we were on the road to King’s Cross. During the road, I, asked the Weasleys how their vacations were:
- “Oh, you know, we stayed at the Burrow almost all the vacations, except for a weekend where we went to Aunt Muriel place. I think it was the worst weekend of my entire life!” said Ron, “but I shouldn’t complain, spending all your holidays with your aunt and uncle, I don’t know how you put up with it.
- "That’s not as bad as it sounds, they ignore us most of the time”, replied Harry, “The most annoying thing is Dudley, he’s the only one who’s not ignoring us, he is deliberately trying to annoy us. I had to stop Mary three times from putting a spell on him.
- “I promise that next time he won’t cut it!”, I said.
We talked about what kind of spells I could use on him until we arrived at the train station. We needed to hurry ourselves up if we don’t want to miss the train. It all happened quickly, we got out of the car, piled our luggage into an empty compartment, and after a rib-breaking hug from Mrs Weasley, we were in our compartment, finally on our way to Hogwarts.
- “Have you received your Owls results?”, Harry asked Fred and George, who were busy scribbling notes on a piece of paper.
- “Oh yes! And unfortunately for us, mum heard about it, we had a bad time.”, started Fred.
- “Can you imagine? Three Owls each! Mum was furious and desperate.”, continued George, looking dejected.
Ron and Ginny were laughing in their corner, apparently, seeing Mrs Weasley furious against the twins sounds priceless. And seeing them laughing, we all joined them, and we didn’t know how to stop. Fred and George were re-enacting Mrs Weasley’s tantrum, and their imitation was so good that I thought I was the one being scolded. We laughed again and again, until it was time to change our clothes to the school’s uniform.
- “Oh dear! I totally forgot! I promised Theodore that I’d visit him during the way! I’ll go now, after all, better late than never. See you later guys! “
I ran out of the compartment to find Theo’s compartment. I wasn’t looking my way, so I bumped into someone.
- “Sorry, I wasn’t watching my way, I’m so sorry!
- “Don’t you worry.”, said a familiar voice, “I forgive you.
- “Draco!”, I said, smiling, “I’m so happy to see you, I really missed you!
- “I missed you too! But why were you running like that? We are not late!
- “I totally forgot that I promised Theodore to visit him during the way, so I was looking for him. And you, where were you going?
- “I was actually going to visit you.”, he replied, “How were your holidays?
- “As usual, like a summer at my aunt and uncle’s place. And yours?
- “They were great, we went to Ireland in July, and we stayed at the manor during August. I think that we’re arriving soon, so go find your boyfriend before we arrive. He’s in this compartment.”, he said showing me the compartment on the opposite side of the car.
- “Thanks! See you later this evening during the feast!”
He smiled at me while I was running toward the compartment that he showed me. I knocked on the window and Theo waved me in. As I was coming in, I saw familiar faces smiling at me, I saw Mattheo, sitting next to his best friend who was none other than Theo. I saw Pansy, Draco’s girlfriend, and Blaise, one of Draco’s friends too. There were also other people which I forgot the name.
- “Can you leave us alone for a few minutes?”, he said to the other, “I would like to talk to my girlfriend alone.
- “Okay, see you later at the feast Theo!
- “Bye”
And they all left us alone.
- “I’m sorry Theo, I totally forgot to come visit you.
- “Don’t worry baby, I don’t care, I hope you were enjoying yourself with the others.
- “Yes, we were laughing, and we couldn’t stop”, I said with a smile. “I really missed you by the way
- “I missed you too”
Saying that, he leaned in closer and kissed me. I was surprised because he didn’t usually kiss me spontaneously. But I wasn’t going to complain. I found in my boyfriend the love I didn’t have from my dead parents.
- “What do you have baby? Did I do something wrong?
- “Oh no! Don’t worry, I was just thinking…
- “About what?
- “Nothing…
My eyes became vague as I thought about them. Last year, at the same time as Harry, I met Sirius, our godfather, and he had told us so much about our parents that I wanted to see them more than anything.
Harry and I don’t really look alike. The only thing we have in common is our eyes, our mother’s eyes. While he’s the spitting image of our father with his messy hair and his face, I look more like our mother than anything else, I have her long red hair, her freckles, and her beautiful eyes. At least that’s what Sirius told us. I don’t know them as well as Harry does. Of course, he didn’t know them very well either, but since he’s ten months older than I am, he must have known them a bit more, even if he doesn’t remember them.
- “Baby, are you okay?
- “Yes, I’m okay, don’t you worry, and please, stop calling me “baby”, you know I hate that!
- “Sorry, I forgot.”
Then we heard a knock on the window, it was Draco.
- “Sorry to interrupt you, it’s just that we’re arriving soon, and I haven’t got my stuff, it’s still here.
- “Don’t worry, come in, I was about to leave anyway.”, I said to Draco, then I turned to Theo, “See you later this evening, or if we can’t see each other, see you tomorrow during class.”
Then I left. I was sad. Thinking about my parents always made me feel sad, but this time it was different, it feels different. My heart hurts me. “No, stop thinking about them or you’ll faint again, not in front of everyone and at the beginning of the year”, thought I. I started to run to reach my compartment. I needed to see Harry, or Hermione, or anyone else I can trust. My legs weren’t answering me, I was running as tears were rolling down my cheeks. Then, finally, I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione leaving their compartment. I ran towards them and threw myself into Harry’s arms. He was shocked to see me now, but he hugged me tight, I was crying, and I couldn’t control myself. He pulled me into the compartment now empty.
- “What happened Mary? Did Theodore hurt you? Mary! Tell me what happened!
- “Don’t worry, Theo has nothing to do with this, really.
- “So why are you crying? Tell me Mary. I’m your brother, I understand you and you can tell me everything.
- “We were talking with Theo, and I thought about Mum and Dad, I felt sad of course, but it wasn’t like before. My heart hurt me, and I couldn’t breathe too, I felt like I was oppressed.
- “Did that happen before?
- “I don’t know, maybe, or perhaps it’s happened before, but it wasn’t as strong as it is now.
- “What triggered this, apart from the fact that you were thinking about Mum and Dad?
- “I don’t know, I was thinking about what Sirius said last year too. I was thinking about what he told us about our parents, that we are so much like them. I want to see them again, Harry! It’s not a want, it’s a need! You understand that don’t you? I need to. Without them I don’t know what I’ll do.”
I was crying, like never before. Harry was speechless, I could see that he was about to cry too, so I hugged him, that is the last I can do for him. He was always there for me. When he received his first letter from Hogwarts, I was jealous of course, but I was also scared to be a Muggle and not to be allowed to go to Hogwarts with him. Fortunately, I received my letter the next year. I was so happy. Living so far from the Dursleys was a daydream. My brother helped me with some of my homework, but it was with Hermione that I spent most of my time studying but also laughing with Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Neville. All those people are my friends. I really like them. But my closest friends are Draco, unfortunately he was sorted in Slytherin, and I’m a year younger than him, so we only see each other during pauses between classes or sometimes during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My other best friend is Mattheo, his last name is “Riddle”, but who cares? Apparently, my brother. And, even if he’s also one year older than me, because we are in the same house, Gryffindor, we can see each other more often than with Draco. My friends are my world. But my brother’s too. And I need to be here for him.
We were still in the compartment and the train had just stopped.
- “Come on, we need to get out of the train, or else we will be late. And I don’t think McGonagall would appreciate that.”, I said, “Plus, I’m hungry and I want to think about something else”
He smiled at me, and we packed our stuff to get out of the train. We soon arrived at the castle, and we waited for the first-year student in the Great Hall. Finally, I felt like I was home. And this was a feeling I really missed. Mattheo was sitting next to me, and his presence comfort me.

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