Problems begin

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I woke up in a bed, and I saw worried faces looking at me. I recognised Ginny’s, with Harry next to her, then Mattheo and Draco. There were Hermione, Ron, Fred, and George too. Too many people for me.
- “Mary, can you hear me?”, it was Harry’s voice.
- “…Y…Yes. What happened? Why am I here?
I noticed George leaving. He came a few seconds later with the nurse.
- “You fainted.”, said the nurse.
- “Yes, after the curse that cast on you Moody, you fell to the floor, and you fainted. So, Moody and I brought you here.”, said Ginny.
- “How long was I unconscious?
- “It’s been 3 hours now.”, told me Draco. “We are worried about you.”
- “You don’t have to, I am fine, look.”
I folded back the cover and stood up. As soon as I stepped on the floor, my legs gave out on me, and I fell to the ground.
- “See? You are not fine! You are weak and you have not recovered yet, so you’ll stay here, at the sickroom until I decide you can leave. “, said the nurse with a serious look on her face. “You need to rest! Now, go back to bed!”
With Harry and Draco’s help I went back to bed. I hated to admit it, but Mrs Pomfrey was right, I was weak and needed to rest. She gave me something to drink which made me close my eyes very quickly and fall asleep.
I woke up again, in the same bed. It was a sunny day so I assumed I had slept through the next day and that the day must be well underway. The nurse who was passing by saw me awake and came to see me.
- “Did you sleep well?”, she asked.
- “Hum… Yeah, pretty good I guess…”
- “Okay. Depending on whether you are well or not today, I will see if I can get you out tomorrow.
- “Great! I’m going to be fine so I will be able to get out tomorrow! By the way, what time is it?
- “It’s 2.30 pm. Do you want to eat something?
- “No thank you, I’m not hungry, but I have a question, did a guy named Theodore come to check on me? Does he know that I’m here?
- “I don’t think he came, I’m sorry.”
And she left. I was sad, why didn’t Theo come? Does he not care that I’m stuck here in this bed doing nothing? I got so many questions and no one to answer them. I was looking forward to seeing Harry and the others after their classes. The rest of the day passed very slowly, but finally, at 4.45 pm, Mattheo arrived at the nurse’s office. I was so happy to see him, and maybe he could answer my questions.
- “Hey Mary! How are you? I came this morning and at lunch time, but you were still asleep.
- “Hey Mattheo! I’m fine and you? Yes, I woke up at 2.30 pm. But I’ve got a question, well, more like several.

- “I’m listening to you.
- “Why didn’t Theo come?
- “Oh…I... I don’t know, I didn’t see him today.
- “Okay but does he know that I’m here? Does he not care at all that I’m stuck here?
- “I don’t know, maybe he didn’t have the time, or maybe we forgot to tell him.
- “Yes, but even if he doesn’t know, he should be worried not seeing me in the castle, during dinner or between classes?!
- “Calm down! You don’t have to yell at me!
- “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
Then Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Draco came in joined Mattheo around my bed.
- “Hey Mary! How are you today? I saw the nurse and she told me that you will be able to get out tomorrow. That’s great news, right?”, said Harry.
- “Yes, it is! I’m so happy! But I guess I have some homework to catch up, am I right Ginny?”, I said.
- “You are, but I brought you everything, I thought we could do them now.
- “That’s not a bad idea, can you help us Hermione?
- “Of course, I will always help you!”
And Ginny didn’t lie, I had so many things to do! I had to practice the Cheering Charm, the Impervious spell but I also had to see the future in tea leaves, but Hermione couldn’t help me with that. She hated it! On top of that there were drawings to be made in Care of Magical Creatures class.
One hour later we were done, with Ginny and Hermione’s help I had finished everything and mastered the required spells to perfection.
- “Whoa, thanks Hermione, also, thank you Ginny! Without your help, I don’t know what I would have done. But it’s late, you should go have dinner, otherwise you’ll be tired tomorrow.
- “You’re welcome, it’s normal to do this to a friend. But, yes, you’re right, I’ll go to dinner. See you tomorrow.”, said Hermione before leaving with Ron and Ginny.
- “Bye Mary!”, said Draco.
- “See you tomorrow, Mary!”, told me Mattheo.
- “Bye guys!”, I answered them. “Harry, aren’t you leaving?
- “No, I think I’ll stay here for the night with you. Are you okay with this?
- “Yes! It will be cool!”
Mrs Pomfrey came to bed with a plate of food, I told her:
- “I’m not hungry, thank you.
- “But you must eat something, you haven’t eaten anything in two days.
- “I understand but I’m not hungry at all.
- “Fine, but I’ll leave the tray here just in case.”
And she left. But I noticed Harry looking at me with a suspicious look.
- “What do you have? Why are looking at me like that?
- “Why don’t you want to eat?
- “I just told the nurse, I’m not hungry.
- “I don’t believe you, so why don’t you want to eat. Now that I think about it, on the first day of school you didn’t eat on the train, you hardly touched your plate at dinner and yesterday morning you hardly ate anything.
- “I was just not hungry.
- “But this is serious Mary! It’s dangerous for you!
- “Oh, I’m fine. It’s not like I’m stopping eating. I’m just not hungry!
- “Mary, I know you by heart. Tell me what’s wrong. I’m your brother, you can tell me everything. Or if you don’t want to talk to me, talk to Hermione, or Ginny, but you must talk to someone if you’re not okay.
- “But I’m fine! It’s just…
- “It’s just what? Tell me Mary.
He hugged me and I started crying. In his arms I let it all out.
- “I don’t know, I think it’s because of Theo, he’s never here, he didn’t come to visit me, and it hurts, he is my boyfriend! He must be here, with me!
- “I understand sis’, but I’m here, with you, so you’re not alone.
- “I know that I’m not alone, but right now I need my brother’s love AND my boyfriend’s love.”
Harry was silent. I think he didn’t know what to say. Or maybe he thought he shouldn’t talk.
- “I would like to sleep if you don’t mind.”, I said, breaking the silence that had set in.
- “Not at all. Are you sure you don’t want to eat at all?
- “I don’t know, I can try if you really want to.
- “I don’t want to force you, but it would be nice to try.I took another bite, and this time, I ate it.
Suddenly, I had an attack. I started coughing and coughing and coughing and could not stop. But my brother knew, he took an inhaler out of his pocket and handed it to me. But I could not reach it and I was on the verge of running out of air. So, Harry gave me a few puffs of Ventolin before I passed out. I slowly resumed normal breathing.
I have a magical chronic condition. It is a bit like muggle asthma, and I control my attacks with a muggle Ventolin inhaler. A young doctor at St Mungo’s found this remedy for me last year after my symptoms appeared. It allows me to breathe normally again and stop coughing after my attacks.
- “Thanks Harry. I left my inhaler in my room on the first day. I forgot to take it because I hadn’t had an attack since before the holidays. It’s lucky you had the double on you.
- “It wasn’t luck, I still have it on me unlike you.
- “Sorry, I’ll remember to take it next time
- “Now you should sleep. That way you won’t have any trouble keeping up with your lessons tomorrow.
- “Okay, but are you sure you want to sleep here?
- “Yes, don’t worry about me.
- “Good night
- Good night sis’.”
That night, it took me a while to get to sleep. Was Harry, right? Was it indeed dangerous not to eat much? I did not even realise I was eating less and less. Then, little by little, I fell asleep.
Harry woke me up the next morning. We left the nurse’s office and went both to the Gryffindor tower to get my inhaler. Then we get back to the Great Hall to have breakfast. I ate a piece of bread with butter. That was all I could swallow.
Our first class with Ginny was botany in the greenhouse number 3. The class went by very quickly. Then we had Care of Magical Creatures class. Hagrid was very happy to see me again. I gave him my work back and we studied the hippogriffs again. Unfortunately, I couldn’t ride one because Hagrid wouldn’t let me. He said I was still too weak. I would have liked to have been able to go near one at least. I would have like to pet it, or even ride it, like Harry. So, I just watched the others approached them, pet them, and for some lucky one, ride them. I was upset, but Hagrid only wanted what was good for me. So, after this class, Ginny and I went to the Great Hall to have lunch when I spotted Theo by the fountain with Mattheo, Draco, and Pansy. I told Ginny not to wait for me and I went to see him.
- “Hey Theo! Hey guys!”, I said to Theo and the others.
- “Hey babe!
- “You really have trouble remembering that I hate it when you call me that!
- “Sorry Mary.
- “Hey Mary! How are you?”, said Mattheo
- “I’m fine, but I would have been better if my boyfriend was by my side.
- “Why are you saying that?
- “Because I was at the nurse’s office for almost two days. You didn’t notice my absence?
- “Hum… I think you need to talk you two. What about we leave them alone?” proposed Draco.
- “Yeah, great idea”, answered Mattheo.
- “Thanks guys. See you soon.” I spoke.
And Draco, Pansy and Mattheo left us.
- “Why were you at the nurse’s office? Why didn’t you tell me? Why nobody told me?
- “I fainted because of a curse. And I couldn’t tell you, I was stuck at the infirmary. And I don’t know why nobody told you. But I thought you would have noticed my absence.
- “I was busy, and I thought you were too. I’m sincerely sorry. If I had known, I would have visit you, but I’m serious, I didn’t know.
- “It’s fine. At least I got Harry. But Mattheo and Draco visited me, I wonder why they didn’t tell you. I’ll ask them later. I need to meet Ginny for lunch, so I’ll see you later?
- “Yeah, sure. Bye!”
I kissed him and I left. Theo was like almost all my friends; he was a year older than me. It’s been now 6 months that we are an official couple. When I told Harry that I was with Theo, he was shocked at first, but gradually got used to it. He still doesn’t fully appreciate Theo, maybe because he’s in Slytherin. Or maybe for some other reason, but I don’t know what it is. In any case I don’t care, I love Theo and he won’t change that.
I entered the Great Hall, and I noticed Ginny who was eating with Neville, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I sat next to Harry, and I served myself chicken with peas on my plate. Harry was happy to see me eating well again and we talked. We talked about everything and anything until our next class which was Charms with Professor Flitwick.
During the class we reviewed the spells that were to be learned for today. I was happy to pass them all!
During dinner, we were all talking about the schools that were supposed to arrive Friday evening. We were all impatient to meet them!

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