You need to calm down.

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The rest of the week went by slowly. I think it was the longest two days of my life. But finally, Friday evening was there. We first welcomed the French school of Beauxbatons. We only welcomed girls and they were so beautiful! I think Ron was in love with one of them! Then it was the turn of the Bulgarian school, Durmstrang. I think it was a boy’s school because we only welcomed boys. I know that Beauxbatons is a mixt school, but I don’t know about Durmstrang.
For our special guests we had French and Bulgarian food. I tasted a little of Bulgarian and French food, but I didn’t like it at all. I prefer my English food! I was exhausted so I went to bed very quick, as quick as I fell asleep!
The next day, I worked a little before having a breakfast because I was awake early. Later that day, we went to Hogsmeade with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna, Fred, George, Mattheo, Draco, Pansy, and Theo. We had a great time. We went to Honeydukes, Zonko, and we drank Butterbeers at the Three Broomsticks. It was funny, and we were a little upset to go back to the castle at the end of the morning. The rest of the day, we stayed at the Gryffindor common room to study with Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Harry. Then we joined Fred, George and Lee Jordan who were showing to the first years what they bought at Zonko’s shop. Then I spotted Mattheo in a corner of the common room. I went to him
- “Hey, are you okay? Why are alone in the corner?
- “Hey Mary, I don’t know, I was just sitting here.
- “Come with us then!
- “I don’t think your brother would appreciate that.
- “I don’t care about him, and we had a great time together at Hogsmeade!
- “You’re right but I could feel that Harry wasn’t that happy that we were there with you. (I’m talking about Draco, Pansy, Theo, and I)
- “Oh, I didn’t notice. I’m sorry. It’s difficult for him I guess, but I’ll talk to him.
- “You don’t have to I understand why he doesn’t like me. I would have done the same thing if I were him.”
We stayed here, in silence, staring at each other. I finally asked him:
- “Why didn’t you tell Theo what happened to me Monday?”
He stayed silent for a moment then he answered:
- “I don’t know, we thought, with Draco, that it wasn’t a good idea to told him.
- “But why? I needed him! I needed him by my side! And he didn’t even notice my absence.
- “You don’t need him, Mary. You are strong enough not to need him. Believe me Mary, you don’t need him.
- “Why are you telling me that?
- “I don’t know if I should tell you…
- “Tell me! If it’s important and if it concerns Theo, you must tell me!
- “Well, you know that Draco broke up with Pansy.
- “What? No! he didn’t tell me! What happened?
- “Apparently, Pansy cheated on Draco with…hum…
- “With whom?
- “Theo.
- “What!?
- “Mary, calm down, please.”
I didn’t want to hear more. I ran off the common room to find Theo. Mattheo followed me.
- “Leave me alone! I don’t need you!
- “Mary! Please! Wait!”
But I didn’t want to. I needed to find Theo.
After running around the castle, with Mattheo still following me, I found him. There, in the empty corridor with some Slytherin students. I went to him, and I pushed him against the wall.
- “THEODORE NOTT!!! You filthy evil cockroach! How dared you!
- “Hey babe! What are you doing?
- “For the last time don’t call me like that, don’t ever call me at all! You dare ask me what I’m doing? You really have no idea of why I’m doing that? It’s over! Don’t even talk to me again!”
I took my wand out of my pocket, and I put it on his chest. I was burning inside.
- “Whoa! Calm down Mary! Please, put your wand away and I’ll explain everything.
- “I don’t want to listen to any of your lies! I know everything! I trusted you! I loved you! But now, all my love is gone!”
Mattheo arrived and pulled me away from Theo. I struggled but he was stronger than me. He held me down with his arms and I couldn’t move. I finally gave in, Mattheo noticed and let go. I heard footsteps and I saw Harry, Ginny, and Hermione coming toward us.
- “What’s happening here?”, asked Harry, “Mary, what’s going on?
- “Nothing, I was just giving this jerk what he deserves.”, I said.
- “But why? What happened?”, asked me Hermione. “What did he do?
- “Not now and not here, please.”, I answered to her, then I turned to Theo, “You! Don’t even think to talk to me again! I don’t want to hear about you again! It’s over! Understood? Over!”
I stormed off furiously. I get my inhaler out of my pocket, and I took a few puffs. Just in case. I was out of breath, and I didn’t want to face an attack. Not now. Not here. I barged into the common room and went furiously in my room and in lay in my bed. I cried until Ginny came in followed by Hermione.
- “Mary,”, said Hermione gently, “If you don’t want to tell us, it’s fine, but what happened?”
I didn’t answer. All I wanted to do was crying. So, I cried, the girls hugged me.
- “I…I’m not able to tell you now. Maybe tomorrow, or another day. But not now.
- “Take your time.”, told me Ginny, “Do you want to speak to somebody else? Harry? Draco? Mattheo?
- “I…I don’t know, I’ll go down and talk to Draco. He’s the best one to talk to right now. He’ll understand me. Can you help me find him?
- “Of course. Come down when you’re ready, okay?
- “Okay, thanks Ginny. And thank you too, Hermione.”
They left the room, and I took some other puffs of Ventolin to calm me down. A few minutes later, I came downstairs I was shocked to see Harry with a black eye. I ran to him.
- “Harry! What happened? Who did you that? Did you fight? With whom? Tell me!
- “Calm down! One question at a time please.
- “Harry! Tell me!
- “Yes, yes, it’s me. So, yes, I fought with Theo.
- “But why?
- “Because he hurt you of course! What do you think?
- “You didn’t have to do that!
- “I’m your brother, it’s like my job, to defend you.”
I was speechless. I didn’t think he would hurt someone just because this person hurt me.
- “We’ll talk about this later, I need to find someone. But, please, Harry, stay here and don’t hurt anyone else.”
I let him in the common room, and I started looking for Draco. I met Ginny in a corridor, and she told me that Hermione found him. She was in the corridor of giant hourglasses that counted the points of each Houses. I reach the corridor and saw Hermione with Draco.
- “Thanks Hermione. You’re the best.”, I said to her, then I turned to Draco, “Please, Draco, we need to talk.
- “You’re welcome, Mary, now I’ll let you talk”, answered Hermione, “Draco, she needs it.”
And she left.
- “Come with me, we’ll go in the Room of Requirement, we’ll be safe to talk there.”
We both walked in the castle until we reached the floor where was the Room of Requirement. I asked the room a safe place where we can talk Draco and me. I entered the room, followed by Draco. It was a cosy room, there was a sofa with some pillows, a ceiling light, and tissues. We sat on the couch, and I started.
- “I know everything. That’s why we need to talk. You’re the one who can understand me. And I can understand you too. Because the same thing happened to us.
- “It’s difficult to express what I feel right now, but maybe you can put words on that.
- “First, I feel betrayed. I loved him. And he betrayed me. I can’t believe he have done that. I gave him all I had, my love, my trust. I trusted him! And he betrayed me!
- “That’s exactly what I fell about Pansy right now. I genuinely loved her. I can’t believe she cheated on me after a year of relationship. My heart really hurts. I’d never think she would have done that.”
I hugged him and he hugged me back. We cried, together.
- “You know,”, I said, “Harry fought with Theo. He got a black eye. Before, I didn’t think he could do that for me, but now I realise that he has always been there for me, a bit like you and Mattheo. You’ve always been there for me.
- “Harry did that because he’s your brother, he loves you more than anything else, you are all he has left. And we would do the same thing because you are our friend. You’re our best friend.
- “Mattheo is my best friend, but you are more than that. You are like a second brother to me. I love like my brother.
- “So, if you love me like an older brother, I’ll love you like a little sister. You’re my little sister Mary. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t met you two years ago. On my first year, I wasn’t like I am now, I wasn’t the same person. If I hadn’t met you, I would have been the same person I was on my first year. Or maybe I would have been worse. So, thank you. Thank you, Mary, thank you for being my little sister. Thank you for making me a better man.
- “It’s not thanks to me that you are a good person, you chose to be that nice and friendly boy I know. I have nothing to do with that. You are a nice boy inside.”
We smiled at each other, and we hugged before leaving the room. It was time for dinner, so we joined the others at the Gryffindor table. I felt better. I wasn’t completely okay; my heart wasn’t fixed but it was on the right track. I laughed with the others, I forgot during the dinner all my problems. Draco sat at our table, and I felt good. I was with my friends and my family. Fred, George, and Lee were making us laugh and we couldn’t stop. Harry’s black eye has been cured by Hermione and everyone was happy.
At the end of the dinner, I told Harry I needed to talk to him. It was important.
- “We need to talk.” I told him.
- “Okay, where?
- “In your dorm, we’ll be safe. You can’t come in mine.”
We went in his dorm, and we sat on his bed.
- “We need to talk about Draco and Mattheo. They are my friends. Draco is a second brother to me, I really like him, I just want you to support them, and to be nice to them, I would really like you to do that. It’s very important to me. Especially after what happened. Please, Harry!
- “Oh…Mary…I’m trying, I promise, it will be easier with Draco, now I know that he changed. But it will be more difficult with Mattheo, and you know that. It’s very complicated for me.
- “I understand, really, but I trust him, so you should trust him too. He’s not like his father. I promise. He’s kind and nice, he’s friendly and many other things. Please, trust me. I thought it would have been good evidence for you that he’s in Gryffindor. I thought that would be proof enough for you. Apparently not.
- “Mary, I promise I’ll try, but you need to understand it’s difficult. Mary! His father killed our parents!
- “Stop! Harry! I know all that already. And I don’t want to have this conversation now, remember how it finished last time? I just want you to try. That’s all I want you to do. Please. Do that for your little sister.
- “I’ll try, I promise.
- “Fine. Thank you. I’m going to bed. Have a good night, Harry.
- “You too Mary. I love you.
- “I love you too!”
I left the room and came downstairs to see where Ginny was. I found her and we went to bed because we were tired.

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