Episode 1: Part 1

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Starts from where they met before going into the helicopter, trying to follow ep 1 plot but if i mess up tell me lol <3

Julia's POV

I grabbed my suitcases and bags, standing on my steps with my mother Blaineley to the side of me. I've hated her since i matured-- she was always so intoxicated with love for herself and she barely cared about me. She missed half my school shows and productions before i graduated early to be an influencer. Luckily, she gave me money and promotion on social media as an apology for "emotional trauma," so we have a love-hate relationship.

As the old, rusted total drama bus pulled up outside the gates of my house, my mum turned to me and smiled awkwardly. "Don't do anything i wouldn't do- oh and ask if they have a makeup team this time, you looked all dry and flaky last season." she remarked, making me gasp. "Not like you're any better off than me now, pasty." I said before gathering my bags and fast-walking towards the shuttle bus in annoyance. Not the best way to leave my mom, just standing at the door with her mouth agape, but who cares.

I went up the steps onto the bus only to be met by a dozen glares. The bus had rows of 2. Perfect, I thought. Nobody liked me last season when I switched up my behaviour infront of a dinosaur. Although.. I gained so much more power at the same time, so they should fear me. "What are you buttknuckles looking at!?" I said, sounding as annoyed and loud as possible, which worked. Everyone stopped glaring uncomfortably, finding better things to do. And so did I.

I walked to the back of the bus, skimming rows to see if anyone would even want me to sit with them. I realised some people were missing, so I decided to sit at the large 4-seater at the back as it was completely empty for some reason. I put on my headphones and closed my eyes, trying to blank out everyone in the bus. Then I fell asleep.


I pet my cat and sat on my front step. Unlike half the people on the reboot, i live in a tiny bungalow a good 5 miles away from everyone else, not in the city. Im not even sure why im going back onto this show, but i guess its because life is so boring at the moment. Last season, I got voted off last minute because everyone found out and got convinced by some snarky girl called Julia to be voted off.

I was thinking about her bad aspects, my mind clouded until i heard the sound of some decaying, rotting shuttle bus pull up. "BYE MOM!" I yelled to the open door, as she had already hugged me goodbye a few minutes ago. I shut it and rolled my suitcase to the storage compartment, struggling. I threw it in and dragged my tired ass onto the bus. Oh, did I mention it was 7AM? I never wake up early, so I was fully drained of colour. I walked further down the bus, looking around at everyone who was distracted before dropping onto 2 seats on the back and immediately falling asleep, not comprehending who was sitting next to me.

Julia's POV

I opened my eyes to the sound of a thud next to me, turning to my left slowly and rolling my eyes. It was MK! The girl who almost got my voted off early for some shit I didn't do. She lay there, as if she was dead, her hair falling off her face and her beanie in her hands. Scratch that, she DID look dead. She had huge eyebags and was drained of colour, so i just shuffled aside her and unknowingly smiled.

*What the hell...* I said to myself when i realised, turning my back to the window of the bus and putting a neck pillow on. This bus probably had no AC because i was freezing, so I sat in a ball formation and tilted my head to overlook all the other contestants. They were all having fun talking to eachother or being distracted on her phones, so I fell back asleep in the freezing corner of the express bus.

I woke up due to the bus halting, which made MK, lying on her back next to me, fall down onto the footing platform below. I reflexed and asked her if she was okay, but not moving. She held a thumb up and looked at me before her eyes widened. I squinted, agitated, grabbing my MJ tote bag full of things and standing up. "Just trying to help.." I mumbled. I swear i heard her mutter "Thanks" back to me as I stepped over her, strutting out of the bus and shoving people into rows to get through. I assumed we had to walk to the top of this building to get to a helicopter pad, as I overheard Chris asking chef by call how to get everyone to the top.

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