Episode 1: Part 2

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The contestants sat at the bleachers, Priya and Bowie standing side-by-side and being announced as leaders of the 2 teams. Millie and Raj ran towards their friends who picked them, however everyone else remained seated. Julia squinted at Priya and Millie. Last season, she had tried to team up with them to get into the final three, which backfired due to her selfish personality and mannerism. Once they chose Emma, Julia had lost her trail of thought. *Thank god, that would've been bad- but I can squish anyone here like a bug.*

After a few others had been picked, and Julia and MK were bored out of their minds, their ears perked up like cats when they heard bowie say "Julia" In a disapproving tone. She smirked, raising her eyebrow and raising from her bench. She sashayed towards the group.

*Julia's confessional*

"Gotta give Bowie credit! I'm a smart pick. Sure.. I'll eventually double-cross him and make him ugly cry on TV... but, until then, I'll bring my A-game." The camera turned off and she cut her act, still smirking however. She left the  confessional and stood aside bowie, skimming the bleachers to see who was left to choose from. Her eyes locked with MK'S.


I sat there, bored as fuck until I heard bowie snarkily say "Julia," meaning she was picked for his team. I felt a small rush of blood towards my cheeks as i saw her stand up with ease and smoothly walk down the steps towards him. She moved like paper in the wind, swift and sharp.

Woah, when did I get so poetic? I should get a medal.


Hah, anyways. It's weird how I talk about her so casually. Last time i talked to her she hated me, but i can't lie, she was good at the game. Maybe even better than me.. Just kidding!

So many people were picked, I ended up being one of the last few. This rots, I didn't know so many people didn't like me! Or maybe I'm just normal and its everyone around me that has problems.

Ew, I sound like Julia.

I just sat there in defeat, about to give up until I caught Bowie's team staring at me with their arms on their hips saying "M-K."

It was creepy.

I walked over to them, standing beside Julia, internally panicking. I wanted an alliance with her, but i forgot how hard this is! Jeez..

Julia's POV

We all stood with our hands on our hips, mine resting on my denim shorts unlike these long-torso'd buttknuckles, as Bowie said "M-K." For some stupid reason, my heart skipped a beat, but I kept my cool and stared at her smugly as everyone else did. She locked eyes with me as she walked towards her, before starting off a conversation. "Thanks..." She said, the s rolling off her tongue in fake suspicion. "I like your moves," She said. I followed along, slightly surprised. "I like your style. I trust you'll find some sneaky way to help us this season?" "That's kind of my jam." She said cooly, as if she hadn't been laying on the floor of a bus infront of me a few hours ago. She then gave me a suspicion on how Bowie probably only chose me as he has the numbers to send me home, which made me gasp and look out to the distance in wonder. "I hadn't even considered that."

"Then I guess I'm helping already!"

"This could be the start of a beautiful alliance." I smirked as she held her fist out, hitting mine atop hers. I couldn't help but see Wayne watch us before continuing his loud conversation with Raj.

I swear, all my fans wouldn't stop commenting about some thing called "Juliayne" on my posts, like me and Wayne as a... eurgh!

a couple.

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