Tale 3: A Hollow Evening PT1

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They say in life there is living and non living. Of course it's in the cycle of life that we liv and that we die. Some souls pass on to the next world whatever it maybe while others linger to this world because of the regrets or choices they regretted in the long run.

And those who haven't passed on to the next world become monstrous horrific creatures who feed on the souls of humans to live.

The chills of the night can be but a mysterious and yet dangerous time of day. With the average human having chills up their spine, their hairs sticking up from all over their body and their bloodshot eyes looking around in hopes that no one is following them.

Though as one would walk they could hear someone's breath breathing down on their neck, is it a person or maybe an animal.

It is far worse than that as you turn you could nothing but a scream...


(Opening theme: Digimon Ghost Game OP-FACTION: Performed by Wieners)

After a movie watch-along day ended in chaos, Adofo and Sunset came out of the police station with Adofo having a look of dread.

"So---what did we learn?" Sunset asked.

"Never make half the town a scene from Home alone." Adofo told her.

"and--?"Sunset asked.

"...I'll apologize to the Bourgeois family for using the Men In Black memory wiper." Adofo added, while Sunset had raised an eyebrow "And I'll send this back to Afro to put it in its rightful dimension."

"I'm glad we have an understanding now let-" Before Sunset could speak they soon heard a blood curdling scream that shocked the two leaders.

"What the what?!" Adofo asked.

"It came from over there!" Sunset said the duo gave a nod as Adofo took out his board and rushed to the scene with Sunset in tow. When they got there, they had a look of horror as they saw a trail of blood before it had an endpoint.

"What the hell?" Sunset asked.

"Is that---Blood?" Adofo asked before he looked at the traill. "And it---disappeared at that end?"

As the police came to the scene they quickly put tape at the path just as the detectives came at the scene, This being Qrow and Sanemi.

"Tch! We're too late." Orow exclaimed.

"Damn it!" Sanemi shouted as he punched the hood of a car. "That's another victim taken!"

"Uhh Detective Qrow. Sanemi?" Adofo said "what's happening?"

"IT'S NONE OF YA DAMN BUSINESS YOU PUNK!" Sanemi shouted as Adofo and Sunset held each other "More importantly what the hell are you two doing here?"

"W-well after Adofo's stunt got us a call from Officer Aizawa with him giving us more Community service jobs." As she said this she gave Adofo a look as he had a nervous smile. "We heard a scream but we didn't think they'd be blood or a disappeared victim.

Orow gave a groan as he said "Just like the first area we checked."

"Wait first area?" Adofo asked "you mean this isn't the first attack?"

"Woah there." Qrow said. "I know that tone. The last thing I need is an earful from Shana and Jerome as to why her son and his partner are going around chasing serial killers. You two are going straight home--well I'm not sure where Shimmer lives so she'll have to stay with you."

The CDC Special Stage 2: Hallow Hollow Tales!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant