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Time did nothing to end the rivalry between James and Elladora. Infact, it had gotten much worse over the years. Now Elladora was in fifth year living her best life minus the fact that James Potter was in it.

"James Potter, you did not just charm my hair green. I swear Potter when I get my hands on you, you're going to regret the day you were born." An angry Elladora with green hair said she stormed towards James and Sirius who were headed to the great hall.

"Oh please Woods, if anything I made you look better than before. Isn't that right padfoot." James Potter said to his best friend while smirking at Elladora.

"Right as always prongs. Although, I'm still not sure if it's enough to make her prettier than Snivellus."

"Can't argue about that padfoot."

"Ugh you're all ugly toads anyway." Elladora said, unable to think of another comeback.

"Ugly. Listen to that padfoot. She thinks we're ugly toads. I'll have you know Woods almost all the girls at Hogwarts want me. Not that you'd know what it's like." James replied to Elladora.

"Well all those girls are just as thick as you lot aren't they." Elladora pointed out, unable to think of how somebody would ever find James Potter appealing.

"Don't worry your pretty little head over it Woods. I'm sure someone would ask you out. As their last option ofcourse but you never do know, even that seems unlikely," said a laughing James as he and Sirius continued their journey to the great hall.

Elladora stood in the hallway, mouth open as she realized just how much she despised James Potter. So she did the only thing that calmed her down. She went looking for Lily Evans.


"James bloody Potter is a menace to society. I mean is it too much to ask for one quiet year at Hogwarts. Turns out it is because Potter can't seem to stay out of trouble for two seconds. Two seconds Lily." Elladora complained to Lily as she sat down at the Gryffindor table - far away from the marauders.

"Tell me about it Ella. I mean he had the audacity to ask me out again. How long do you think before it gets in his thick head that I don't want to date him." Lily groaned.

"Considering how thick his head is, probably never." Elladora snorted.

"You're right. Anyway, love the new hair. Totally suits you."

"Ugh. Don't get me started. Bloody Potter and Black thought it would be funny. But, you don't see me laughing do you. Probably because this is so stupid." Elladora stated.

"Come on now Ella, eat. You know how grumpy you get when you don't eat food." Lily said while putting some  chicken on Elladora's plate.

Elladora only nodded. She was not going to argue on that.


Once the two gryffindor's had finished their dinner, they started their journey to the courtyard. They still had a few hours to spare before curfew and the two friends thought it'd be best to go there.

At their destination, they caught sight of their beloved friend, severus snape.

Severus Snape and Elladora Woods had a complicated relation. The two would tease each other all the time yet, when the time came, they would defend the other as well. At least, Elladora did.

However, Severus was the complete opposite with Lily. Where Severus would never miss an opportunity to argue with Elladora, he would agree with Lily on almost everything. And while others found Severus dull and boring, he looked as if he could talk to Lily for hours on end.

"Hello Sev." Lily said to her best friend.

"Lily." Severus smiled. "Elladora," he nodded.

Elladora did not mind the obvious favoritism. It was normal now and she still considered herself a close friend of Severus'. Besides, she had figured out long ago that he fancied Lily.

"Elladora. Lovely hair you have." Severus pointed out.

"Oh hush. It's still better than yours." Elladora grinned.

"Debatable." Severus muttered under his breath.

"I heard that."

"You were supposed to." Severus rolled his eyes.

Their playful banter continued till it was time to head back to their common rooms.


"Hey Lily." Elladora whispered as she lay in her bed.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"What do you think of Severus."

"Severus?" Lily questioned.


"What do you mean Ella?" Lily was confused. She didn't know what her friend meant.

"I mean do you like him. As you know more than a friend?" Elladora asked Lily, determined to know.

Several seconds passed before Lily replied and said,

"I don't know Ella. Honestly. I mean he's been my friend for so long - it's hard to see him as anything else."

"Do you- I mean will you- I mean-"

"Oh spit it out Ella." Lily said as she cut her of.

"Given the chance, would you date him?"

"I- maybe. I mean he's a good friend but lately he's been hanging out with the wrong crowd. I mean just the other day I saw him with Rosier and Malfoy, chatting like they were buddies. I don't want him to get hurt so naturally I told him he shouldn't hang out with them and he said he will."

"But?" Elladora questioned - knowing there was more her friend wishes to say.

"But, I'm worried for him," Lily admitted, "I don't want to see him get hurt. I mean I don't know what I'd do, he's my oldest friend but he's been scaring me lately."

Hoping to offer some reassurance, Elladora said, "I'm sure it's alright. I mean it's Severus we're talking about. He would do about anything so see you happy."

"I suppose you're right."

Elladora smiled. "See, nothing to worry about. Now let's go to sleep. I don't want to deal with a sleep deprived angry Lily tomorrow."

Lily snorted but didn't argue.

If only things were that simple. Perhaps then everything would've been fine.

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