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Classes were finally over and the corridors were filled with numerous students. Lily and Elladora had decided to get a headstart for their O.W.Ls - so they found themselves in the courtyard, studying.

The two students were focused on their studies when they suddenly heard voices. At first, they did not think much of it. That is until the voices started sounding familiar.

Elladora and Lily looked at each other, nodded, then sprinted to where they heard the voices from. The sight that greeted them was horrible.

Severus was hanging upside down as James Potter taunted him. Sirius Black and Petter Pettigrew cheered him on as Remus Lupin observed from afar. It infuriated Elladora as to why the marauders were so cruel. Nobody deserved this. While Elladora thought about this, Lily seemed to have lost control and started screaming at Potter.


"Only if you'll go on a date with me Lily flower." Potter grinned.

'Ugh he had the audacity to ask Lily out while he was bullying another student. Typical Potter.' Elladora thought. Lily's yelling snaps her out of her thoughts.

"I'D RATHER GO OUT WITH THE GIANT SQUID. NOW PUT HIM DOWN." James doesn't do what Lily says, instead he makes Severus go up and down as if he were a source of entertainment.

"Put him down Potter! He's never done anything to you! Must you always be a prick!" Elladora snaps at James.

James opens his mouth to reply but Lily cuts him off.

"She's right you toe rag! Now put him down!"

"Saving your boyfriend are you Woods," James comments - ignoring Lily.

"He's not my boyfriend and any person with normal decency would PUT HIM DOWN." Elladora yelled, losing her patience.

"POTTER PUT HIM DOWN THIS INSTANT," Lily screamed once more.

James seemed to listen to them as he put Severus down. He scowled in his direction as he said, "Be grateful they were here Severus."

Severus replied by his reply was a shock to all.

"I don't need help from filthy mudbloods."

~~~Elladora's p.o.v~~~



This is all a misunderstanding.

This can't be happening.

Severus can't.

Surely I must have understood it wrong.

How can the boy who looked at Lily with so much love in his eyes call his friends mudbloods.

Filthy Mudbloods

No. Severus did not say that. He couldn't have.

I see Lily shouting something at him but I can't seem to hear her.


Severus. One of my oldest friends. Called me a mudblood?

I can see Lily running away but I don't follow. I can't. I swear I can hear my heart shatter.

Tears well up in my eyes and I try to not let them fall but they fall. They fall the same way I fall on the ground in front of Severus.

"Sev?" I whisper.

I should be angry. I should yell at him. I should hit him but I don't.

How can I?

This is the same boy who helped me in potions. The same boy who healed by wrist when I fell on it and broke it. The same boy who dried my tears when James Potter and his friends were too hard on me.

So then how can I believe this is the same boy who called me a mudblood.

"Sev?" I whisper once more, too scared to raise my voice in fear that it may break me more.

"What? Get away from me mudblood. Don't you get it? I don't need help from anybody with filth in their blood." He hisses.


There it is again. That word.

"You Severus Snape are the worst person ever. So I hope you feel proud of the fact that your closest friends are now no longer your friends." I say, trying desperately not to sob.

Potter then tries to punch Sever- Snape for what he said to his precious Lily flower. But, Black manages to pull him back.

With tears in my eyes and a heart that has shattered into a million pieces, I glare at Potter as I yell, "And you Potter are no different than Snape here. You're the reason we're in this mess in the first place and I hate you. I hate you so much that I would rather die than ever consider you as a friend."

I start to go in the direction of the Gryffindor common rooms but before I start walking I look back at Potter and scowl at him while hissing the words, "I hate you."

This is really short but I just wanted to put something out. Also Wattpad decided to erase this chapter 3 TIMES!!! Anyway, I really enjoyed writing in Elladora's p.o.v so let me know if you want more chapter with her p.o.v and the later on maybe James' as well.

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