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The next morning, Elladora woke up with tears strains on her cheeks and a heavy heart. She looked around her dorm and saw everyone was gone.

'Great,' she thought, 'everyone's heard already.'

Walking to the mirror, she saw her appearance. Her eyes were puffy, her hair was a mess and she looked like a mess.  Sighing, she fixed her appearance as best she could and went to the great hall.

Entering, she saw the joyous faces of students and it made her envy them.

'It's not fair,' she thought, 'it's not fair that they get to be happy and I don't.'

Elladora knew it wan't fair to think like that but she couldn't care less. Mentally rolling her eyes, she made her way to the Gryffindor table. Unfortunately for her, she sat right in front of Severus Snape.

She narrowed her eyes at the boy who broke her heart and she couldn't help the anger she felt. This was the boy who had broke her heart, the boy who had called her best friend a horrible name.

Snape lifted his eyes and caught Elladora's stare. He too looked miserable. His eyes were puffy, his mouth in a frown and to put it simply he looked like a mess.

'Good,' Elladora thought, 'he deserves this.'

Elladora broke her glare only when she saw Lily enter.

Lily looked just as bad as Elladora did. Her usually bright smile was no where to be seen, her eyes dim, and for someone that was always so put together - she looked a mess.

Lily walked over the Gryffindor table, took some food and left. She could not bare to be in Snape's present. No after what he did.

Watching Lily leave, Snape got up and followed her. Elladora watched him as she too toke her leave from the table - hoping to get to Snape before he got to Lily. It seemed like Luck was on her side because she caught up with him.

"Hey, Snape." Elladora sneered as Snape came to a stop.
"Leave her alone. You don't deserve to talk to her."

"Ella please, you need to understand. I-I didn't mean to call her that." Snape tried to explain but Elladora was quick to reply.

"Oh please. With the friends you have, it's a surprise you didn't show your colours before."

"Ella please-"

"Don't call me that! You lost that right when you decided to insult your best friends. And I hate you. I hate you because I believed in you. I thought you were one of the good ones. I thought you were our friend!"

"But I am your friend."

" you're not."

"Please let me exp-" Snape walked towards her but Elladora stepped back.

"Don't come near me Snape. Don't."


"You head what the lady said Snivellus." James Potter said as he walked towards the pair.

"Oh please Potter, this doesn't concern you." Snape replied, rolling his eyes.

"I believe it does, doesn't it Woods?" James smirked, thinking Elladora would agree.

"No. No it doesn't potter, " James' face fell as Snape smirked, "and I don't want to talk to you anymore Snape."


"I said what I said! Now leave!" Elladora said angrily.

Snape looked down as he nodded and did what Elladora asked of him.

"I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again." James said.

"No. No you won't. You'll leave him alone."

"But he insulted you and Lily! No I need to set him straight." James said, determined.

"AGH! What is it with men thinking they have to protect every female they see. Potter. You.Will.Leave.Him.Alone!" Elladora said before walking away.

'Men!' she thought, rolling her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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