Entering the world of Zadia Part 2

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Pennelapy's POV

I was crushed. My father dead, my mother unknown and no other siblings or relatives. I was on my way to my fathers study, I knew now that he was gone, they would try to clear out his study, so I had to get there first. When I arrived  I found nonother than the doctor trying to get in 


He yelped and ran out the door, I closed and locked it and entered his study with the spair key he gave me when I was realy young


"Here my little penny pie take this key and never loose it"


"This is a spesial key, and one day you're meet a spesial some one with this key"


"I wonder what he meant when he said that?"

I looked on my fathers desk and sure enough there was an amber stone and a book with my name on it but on top of the book was a letter 

"My Dear Penny Pie  

if you are reading this, it mean's I am no longer alive and I have told you to place the amber stone in the elf statue in my study, Pennelapy there is an entire world in danger and it needs your help, remember you are never truly alone, the world you must help is a world only spoken of in fairytale, legend and myth but behind every legend and myth there is a string of truth. You never knew your mother for she is not of this world, her name is Lilith, she is from a world where dragons, elves, orks, shifters, unicorns, fae and pegasigh exsist, you my dear daughter are part elf. The elves are at war, some elves believe that they must kill all hybrids and tribrids but those elves are evil and practise dark magic, you must go to this world and meet a rebel warrior named Zaidin wolven hart, she is a tribrid, parts shifter, fae and dragon, she will help you find your mother and save their world, you must NEVER come back to this world for the evil has already spread here, Burn the house do not let anyone follow you to that world keep the journal close for it will explain what all these creatures are and what they are capable of.

I Love you my Penny Pie, you are stronger than any evil in this or any other world.                      Don't Let The Light Die."

"Burn the house?!" I was shocked, he never mentioned mother before and now I know why

I ran and packed my backpack full of food and clothes, stuffed the journal into my black hoodie and went into the garage grabbed a container full of flammable motor oil and threw it all over the house, when I was finished with the whole house I placed the stone in the eye of the elf statue and a blue portal opend 

I ran and packed my backpack full of food and clothes, stuffed the journal into my black hoodie and went into the garage grabbed a container full of flammable motor oil and threw it all over the house, when I was finished with the whole house I pl...

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I was about to light the house on fire but that's when I saw the picture of me and my dad on his desk, I grabbed it holding it close and lit the match, threw it on the ground and watched as my home lit on fire  

I was about to light the house on fire but that's when I saw the picture of me and my dad on his desk, I grabbed it holding it close and lit the match, threw it on the ground and watched as my home lit on fire  

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and then I stepped trough the portal.

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