Chapter 3: The Pretend Game

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Chapter 3: The Pretend Game

Just when Isabella and Miguel thought they were making progress in unraveling the mystery of their shared past, a new challenge presented itself —Blair, Miguel's obsessed ex-girlfriend.

Blair had followed Miguel to their school, her obsession with him as relentless as the tropical sun. She was always there, lurking in the corners, watching their every move. Her constant presence was a thorn in their side, making it difficult for Isabella and Miguel to continue their investigation into Antonio's past.

One day, as they sat under the shade of a mango tree, Miguel proposed a plan. "What if we pretend to date?" he suggested, his eyes serious. "It might keep Blair at bay."

Isabella was taken aback. "Pretend to date? Are you sure?" she asked, her heart fluttering at the thought.

Miguel nodded, his gaze steady. "It's the best way to keep Blair away. Plus, it could give us more time to figure out our connection with Antonio."

And so, they embarked on their pretend game. They held hands as they walked through the school corridors, shared meals during lunch, and even went on a few 'dates' around Manila. To their surprise, they found themselves enjoying each other's company more than they had anticipated.

But with every fake date, every shared laugh, and every stolen glance, the line between pretend and reality began to blur. They were getting closer, their bond deepening with each passing day. But was it just part of the game, or was something real blossoming between them?

Meanwhile, Blair watched from a distance, her eyes filled with suspicion and a hint of hurt. The game had begun, but how long could they keep up the pretense? And what would happen when the truth finally came out?

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