Hidden hatred

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The world is our first refuge, the home of all human beings, our precious land. There are those who see the world as beautiful and prosperous, and there are those who only care about controlling it. Is it possible for a person to control the world? Perhaps it is not possible, but just as there is an impossibility, there is a possibility. This globe carries in its heart secrets, secrets that have not been revealed by humans...except through science and knowledge!Science has become capable of achieving anything and fulfilling dreams...someone's dreams. Science changed people's lives forever! A new era was born...they call it...the Age of wellness.
Before that era, a deadly epidemic spread, and everyone, scientists and doctors, tried to stop it! Indeed, they did stop the epidemic after three years of suffering, but there were consequences. After that, there was a massive war, or what is called a massacre. This epidemic made the world cry. It caused pain to many people. Its condition deteriorated. Some people went crazy. The global economy declined, and that is the cause of famine and poverty.
ALBERT MARTYNOV, born in August, 1979.
his name may seem like an ordinary Russian name, but in fact it is the name of the best scientist and doctor of that era. This man may not only be well known as a scientist or a doctor, but he is also the founder of the greatest pharmaceutical company in history!
This man gave a lot to the world, donating medicines to all people around the world, especially orphaned children, Really generous!
before everything graduation and becoming a doctor his father helped him settle in Moscow , and made him a promise that he will help him on his company project by giving him money to begin business. Albert made the globe a better place, He wanted to develop his skills , He had a passion to learn more. He chose Japan by enrolling in a private school. Even though he graduated, he wanted to study. He traveled to Japan and studied there for 5 months and quickly adapted there, within those Five months he met... He met someone who became his favorite ...and who made him truly happy, NAOMI YUSHIDA , Naomi made Albert more passionate. It is true that she worked in a field different from his, but she always motivated him and encouraged him to do what he loved. She was the friend Albert never had in his life, because most of his friends were exploitative people seeking his fortune. But this girl really loved him, and he loved her very much. She was the most precious thing he had besides his mother and father. Their relationship lasted For two years, he got engaged to her in March 2001, and then they married the following month. They lived the most beautiful life together, in happiness, luxury and peace. Exactly a year later, Naomi became pregnant with a boy. This made their lives happier, and Albert was her doctor and husband at the same time. How lucky she was! Naomi moved to her parents' house in Shibuya, at Albert's request, in order to rest and maintain the child's health. In the ninth month of her pregnancy, Albert felt comfortable and reassured because his son and the bearer of his name would be born soon. That month was Albert's mother's birthday, but he wanted to call his mother and apologize because he had to stay for Naomi, as she was pregnant. Naomi refused and reassured him that she would be fine, as she was at her parents' house, and asked him to attend his mother's birthday party for her. Albert finally decided to fulfill his wife's wish and go to his mother's birthday. The next day, Albert took a flight to Russia. After saying goodbye to his wife and her parents, he headed straight to the airport. Exactly 10 hours and 10 minutes later, he arrived in Moscow, the capital of Russia , He was exhausted, so he spent the night At the Moskva Hotel, which is one of the most famous hotels in Moscow. In the morning, Albert woke up and went to his parents' house December 3 was the desired day, the mother's birthday On his way to their house, he bought a gift for his mother to express his love and appreciation for her. It was a bottle of luxurious perfume and a gold necklace. What a gift! But no matter how many gifts a person gives to his parents, their goodness will never be enough, for they are more precious than all of those gifts. When he stood in front of the doorstep, his mother opened the door before the bell rang, as if she felt that he had come She hugged him tightly because she had not seen him for a long time !Then they went inside, and the atmosphere of the party was beautiful. Everyone was happy, especially the birthday lady!
After the concert ended, Albert called Naomi to ask how she was doing After hearing her voice, he was reassured that she was fine. It was evening, and Albert decided to take his parents out to dinner They ate, laughed, and reminisced together. It was a wonderful day. The next day he decided to stay with his parents for a few days Then he returns before his son's birth He decided to check on the company's condition before returning as well, and found that things were going well, and that the profits they had achieved were great. After a few days had passed, the day that Albert had waited for so eagerly and enthusiastically came. He said to himself: "I will become a father! I will give my son the most beautiful life." He had already booked a trip to Japan in advance, but as the famous phrase says, "The wind does not blow as ships desire." Unfortunately, there was a storm that day, it was strong, so the airport canceled the flight until the next day. Albert felt frustrated and sad because he could not hold his wife's hand while she was giving birth and see his son in her arms. He called her and apologized profusely to her and her parents, saying: "I'm sorry, Naomi. I have disappointed you. I could not keep my promise I'm really sorry my dear, there was a storm and they postponed all flights until tomorrow! I wish I had come yesterday, I wish!"Naomi answered very kindly: "Do not worry, my dear, and do not apologise. This storm was destined to happen, and you cannot change fate, so there is no need to apologize. My parents understand that. I just told them, and your son is in good health Don't worry, then how will we name our son?"
Albert had chosen a beautiful name for him... His name was Aron...Aron Martynov.
Naomi liked the name very much, and they both agreed on it, which made Albert feel better. After Naomi was released from the hospital, she went to her parents' house to rest. The flight was postponed until the next day, so Albert stayed at his parents' house that night.
Early in the morning, he said goodbye to his parents and headed to the airport eagerly! ..He was overwhelmed with longing to see his son, and carry him in his arms. After 10 hours, he arrived at Tokyo Airport, then rented a car and went to Shibuya to see his wife and son.
Albert rushed to the house of Mr. and Mrs. Yoshida!!...and his heartbeat accelerated as he approached the house. Finally, Albert stood on the doorstep... He rang the bell slowly..ding dong!! They took time to open the door He rang the bell again, but no one opened the door!?
Albert began to say: "Maybe they are asleep because it is seven in the morning. Maybe I came too early, ha ha." This is what Albert thinks, who knows, maybe they went shopping, for example, hehe!
Anyway, Albert felt uncomfortable since leaving his wife and son , there was a putrid scent in the air....It was like the smell of blood, like there was something rotting... In fact, when Albert went around the house to use the back door, he found a dead dog in the back yard. He kept wondering: "Whose dog is this? Is it the neighbors' or Naomi's parents? I don't remember that they had a dog at all?!". He felt anxious for a moment, but it seemed that that smell was coming from the dog after all !.
Fortunately for Albert, the back door was open. Albert entered the house and called out: "Ms. Yushida!! Mr. Yushida!! Naomi!! Are you home?? I'm sorry I came in without permission."
No one answered him as if it was an abandoned house!? , He continued forward from the kitchen to the living room...but something wasn't right That malicious smell returned again, but this time it was stronger!
Albert said: "Oh my God, what is this smell?!"
Yes, Albert was surprised and felt nauseous. The closer he got to the living room, the smell increased...worse than before. Finally he reached the room and it was a shock!! Albert screamed in horror at what he saw:"Nooooo, impossible...this is impossible, how, how!?"
He saw what no one could see. He saw his loved ones lying on the ground, a body without a soul, drowning in a sea of ​​their pure blood. This sight made him go into shock. It made his heart break. His wife and her family were brutally killed...As for his son, nothing remained of him except his small, innocent hand, as if monsters had preyed on them! Is this really a human action?? What was the fault of this child, to be killed with such brutality? This angel died on the day he was born. Albert felt extremely sad and the world around him turned black... He screamed and cried, but tears were not enough. He cried, saying: "Why? Why? What did these people do to be killed like this? Who is the monster who did that? What is the fault of my poor son... What a loss I wanted to play with him a little, even if just a little, I wanted to hug him...
Whoever did this, I will not rest until I take revenge. Rather, I will take revenge on all these murderers and everyone who breaks the law. I swear I will be a nightmare for them. They messed with the wrong person."
After the death of Albert Martynov's loved ones, his heart turned black. He returned to his home Russia in 2003, the death of his wife affected his mental health , he is intending to revenge on humanity!?.
Anger blinded his insight and made him selfish. His wife loved the "spider lily", which is scientifically known as... Lycoris radiata, so he decided to name the company as this plant's name, after studying this plant structure for a long time ,he descoverd more about it, that time he saw the company's future. All he could think about since the death of the ones he loved was revenge...for a hidden hatred.

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